Wedding Etiquette Forum


So my M.O.H and close family friend are throwing me a shower. This is just something I threw together, but was wondering if it is against etiquette rules to as the one throwing me a shower to slip one of these in everyone's invite? I just thought it would be a good idea to get family recipes handed down, and also because of the design I will know what were given to us from our wedding!
If for some reason the picture isn't showing, it's a recipe card.
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers THw1PKynnBZ4fVUGLPN1j6BKQ8d6ARbX4jGydYMHvUQ,QezptEgimhvAOeg49lyOshWKDraDzrdno-lHdColcd8

Re: Shower

  • pokepoke27pokepoke27 member
    First Comment Combo Breaker
    edited March 2012
    I wouldn't ask for them to be put in the invite. If you reallywant this done then have a stack of them at the shower and ask friends and family to fill them out at the party if they know it by heart, or to take it home and fill it out and give it back to you at some other time. 
  • I thought so too. But I didn't want to then ask everyone to pass around some recipes being that I am a "new" cook. And my hosts aren't really all that creative, OR the type to do any DIY stuff.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers THw1PKynnBZ4fVUGLPN1j6BKQ8d6ARbX4jGydYMHvUQ,QezptEgimhvAOeg49lyOshWKDraDzrdno-lHdColcd8
  • I think it would be okay as long as you provide the cards and it doesn't cost the host anything or create extra work for her.    It isn't usually okay to request something out of the blue for your shower, but this seems harmless to me.  And that way the guests have time to prepare it beforehand while they have their own recipes handy.
  • edited March 2012
    She asked me if there was anything special I wanted done at the shower (ex. any games I requested, games I absolutely did not want to play, venue I prefer) and at the time, there wasn't. I'm just happy to be given a shower! But then I thought of this. I'm sure they would think it's a good idea and of course they would not have to assemble/pay for them. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers THw1PKynnBZ4fVUGLPN1j6BKQ8d6ARbX4jGydYMHvUQ,QezptEgimhvAOeg49lyOshWKDraDzrdno-lHdColcd8
  • If they asked your opinion, I think it's ok for you to say "Hey, I'd like to include recipe cards in teh invitations so that i can start my recipe collection."
  • I tried to do this for a shower I threw once and only two people remembered to bring the cards with them. I would have some extras at the shower.
    "When life hands you lemons, make a beef stew." Andy Milinokis
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