Wedding Etiquette Forum

ring bearer pillows question

Not really etiquette ....but I like your opinions.

we are having two ring bearers in our wedding (my nephews)...would it be odd if we didn't actually attach the rings to the pillows and let the best man hold them, but still have my nephews holding pillows? 

Re: ring bearer pillows question

  • There's no way I'm handing my 3 year old nephew my engagement ring! Tongue out

    We're sending him down the aisle with this instead:

  • I wouldn't put rings on the pillows.
  • thanks ladies....i bought stuff to make my ring bearer pillows today and then started thinking that i really dont want the boys to actually have the rings :)
  • I think we'll attach little fake rings to the pillow and have the BM carry the real ones. I mean, I trust FI's 6 year old brother to be careful, but you never know!
  • Our RB will NOT have the real rings but I haven't decided if we'll attach fake rings or what. Jill - your idea is so cute! [: 
  • I know we are in the minority here, but H wanted the real wedding bands on the ring bearer pillow. So we did. And everything worked out just fine. He was 3 1/2 yrs old and escorted by 2 older FG's. His parents practiced with him, too. And my MIL tied those suckers on the pillow well.
  • I bought bronze maple leaves to attach (to go along with our tree/fall theme) 
  • My cousin was the ring bearer in my aunts wedding 20-some years ago when he was 3 (I was a flower girl).  He had the rings on his pillow.  Halfway down the aisle, he got upset and literally threw the rings into the pews, then threw himself onto the floor.  Luckily we were able to find the rings and no apparent damage was done, and my aunt had a good laugh about it later.  But moral of the story: don't give rings to little kids. 
  • My future-nephew was ring bearer in a cousin's wedding, he was 5 at the time.  He had the actual rings.  He did just fine with the rings.  The problem came when the best man tried to untie them from the pillow, and they went flying into the pews.  Easily found, no damage, VERY LOUD clanging sound as the rings hit the church's terra cotta floor.  Poor kid was devastated and thought it was his fault.

    Even if the kid does fine, untying rings from a pillow could get dicey in the moment.  I'd go with fake rings.
  • My 7 yr old will be our RB and we will have the actual rings on the pillow.  They will be tied together with a ribbon, and then the ribbon will be secured to the pillow.

    At my niece's wedding, her RB had the pillow and fake rings because her H did not want him carrying the real ones.  When the officiant asked for the rings, he stepped up and held up the pillow, and could not understand why they did not take them off!  He looked so sad about it. 

    My MOH had an outdoor wedding and had the rings strung on a blue ribbon tied to the pillow so if they dropped they could be easily found and still together.
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