Wedding Etiquette Forum

Mariah Carey's twin names


Re: Mariah Carey's twin names

  • Oh man, if I'm ever famous I am naming my kids "random" and "strange"
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Mariah Carey's twin names</a>:
    [QUOTE]I just realized the child's name is Moroccan Cannon.
    Posted by Moneypenny424[/QUOTE]

    So Monroe should have been an adjective, too!
  • annakb8annakb8 member
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Mariah Carey's twin names</a>:
    [QUOTE]I just realized the child's name is Moroccan Cannon.
    Posted by Moneypenny424[/QUOTE]

    I could never marry someone whose last name is a noun because my first name can sound like a prepositional phrase. If I married Nick Cannon my name would be Anna Cannon and sound like "on a cannon" and people would think of this when they met me:

    <a href="#" title="Click to view a larger photo" onclick="return gSiteLife.LoadForumPage('ForumImage', 'plckPhotoId', '509ac2d4-68e3-4766-97e3-5a93a88e7c65', 'plckRedirectUrl', gSiteLife.EscapeValue(window.location.href));"> <img src="" alt="" /></a>
  • I'm with everyone else, I'm down with Monroe. But Moroccan just puzzles me. Especially since his last name is Cannon.

    My favorite baby name is totally Turkeybutt Stuffingface Panda though.
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Can anyone assume that Mariah will ever do anything in good taste?

    My sister's dog is named Monroe. It's cool...for a dog.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Mariah Carey's twin names</a>:
    [QUOTE]What is it with celebrities giving their children weird names?
    Posted by MissySue20[/QUOTE]

    <div>Haha seriously, those poor children. </div>
    imageDaisypath Anniversary tickers
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:684d80d5-cd36-4c99-bc1b-f0ced33f7501Post:4f7eae66-ef95-4681-b174-e43b0fe0a650">Re: Mariah Carey's twin names</a>:
    [QUOTE]Oh man, if I'm ever famous I am naming my kids "random" and "strange"
    Posted by mandapanda78[/QUOTE]

    LOL I had a friend years ago whose last name was Mark, and he used to say he was going to name his kids Birth, Stretch, and Skid. 
  • Apparently, her H proposed in the Moroccan room somewhere.  Uhm, awesome?
    White Knot Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • And he tweeted that their nicknames are "Roc and Roe" which.....could be cute if it wasn't strange. But they're sort of weird anyway. I actually think Monroe is cute.
  • Monroe is not my favorite as I tend to dislike the use of surnames as first names, but that's just a personal preference. If she wanted to honor Marilyn Monroe I think Marilyn or Norma would have been nicer, but, hey, to each their own.

    Moroccan is just stupid, though. It's not even just a random word, it's a nationality. It makes no sense as a given name.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Moroccan= like the room in her NY condo where Nick Cannon proposed

    Monroe= as in Marilyn, as in a piano that Mariah bought that used to be...Marilyn Monroe's

    She named her children for her STUFF.

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