Wedding Etiquette Forum



Re: S....L....O....W....

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: S....L....O....W....</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: S....L....O....W.... : I think you're wedding is going to be just fact, it will probably be most wonderful!! We're going to Sandals Antigua.... <strong>where is everyone else going?  And, when are you leaving for it? </strong>  I got so excited to book it that we're leaving the very next day; the Sunday morning after the Saturday night wedding.  And we'll need to leave for the airport like at 8am. WTF was I thinking?
    Posted by jcbsjr[/QUOTE]

    We're heading to Gatlinburg, TN! We like mountains =). We're leaving the monday after the wedding so we can play with our friends one more day. You're gonna need some redbull to make it to the airport lol. I've heard great things about Antigua! I'm jealous!
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:6904db23-f858-4503-8a6f-2ff3c3406773Post:28aba150-4465-4209-81cf-5d34c7b6afd5">Re: S....L....O....W....</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: S....L....O....W.... : We're heading to Gatlinburg, TN! We like mountains =). We're leaving the monday after the wedding so we can play with our friends one more day. You're gonna need some redbull to make it to the airport lol. I've heard great things about Antigua! I'm jealous!
    Posted by LDYGTR13[/QUOTE]

    I went to Gatlinburg in June with friends.  We are planning a family cabin lockup in February. (Twenty of my closest relatives locked in a cabin for three days, a LOT more fun than it sounds!)

    There's a Irish pub on one of the side roads you need to check out.  Especially if you like draft beer. they have 20-something on tap.  I didn't want to leave.  Ever.
    For the life of me, I can't remember what it's called.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: S....L....O....W....</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: S....L....O....W.... : <strong>Yea, you made it - new badge!  </strong>Congrats!  And, yeah, I'm kind of freaking out about when we're leaving; if we miss our flight, we are completely screwed!!  And I can't decide if we should stay at our house or hotel where my MOH will be staying b/c we're car pooling to the airport.  And we're leaving the dogs for what seems like forever -- we leave Sunday, come back the following Sunday.  So I'm freakin' about that too.  Um, and we're not getting married until April.  I hope I don't turn into a zilla by then.
    Posted by jcbsjr[/QUOTE]

    This is my official new badge post lol. I'm such a loser - thanks for being my little cheering section!! lol.

    As for where to stay - FI thinks it's stupid to get a hotel room the night of, but I think it's something special for the first night as a married couple. I would do the hotel, personally. especially since you're carpooling!

    I dont think you'll be a zilla. I hope I'm not at that point. I dont think so. I just wish my damn cake baker girl would call me back. Everyone who recommended her keeps saying "oh, we just met with her once and she showed up with the cake" - that just doesn't sound right to me. Maybe I just need to loosen the reigns!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: S....L....O....W....</a>:
    [QUOTE]Mery you're so close! Got all your loose ends tied up?
    Posted by laurenclaire1386[/QUOTE]

    The loose ends involve ironing table runners and making the house presentable. Which I've delegated to FI. :-) Plus, our families are OOT, so the 2 days before the wedding will involving chauffeuring and entertaining them.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: S....L....O....W....</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: S....L....O....W.... : I went to Gatlinburg in June with friends.  We are planning a family cabin lockup in February. (Twenty of my closest relatives locked in a cabin for three days, a LOT more fun than it sounds!) There's a Irish pub on one of the side roads you need to check out.  Especially if you like draft beer. they have 20-something on tap.  I didn't want to leave.  Ever. For the life of me, I can't remember what it's called.
    Posted by Wrkn925[/QUOTE]

    925, you're my new mission, btw. I want you to get your new medal now lol.

    I heard there's a sports/pub type of place at the end of the strip that's got it's own brewery or something that we need to check out. We loooooooove beer. We're total beer people and something off of the strip would probably be awesome. If you remember the name send it to me!

    We have a really cool cabin reserved: <a href="">Click here and find "Giddy Up"</a> That's where we'll be! It's got it's own pool, sauna and Ms. Pac Man machine. I'm so excited.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: S....L....O....W....</a>:
    [QUOTE]Oh, and I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off last week (I ahte that phrase, but it's apt). So anyone who has a wedding soon and feels completely out of control, you'll be fine.
    Posted by msmerymac[/QUOTE]

    That's so good to know lol. I honestly feel like there's no way I'm gonna get all of this done =(
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: S....L....O....W....</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: S....L....O....W.... : Ah delegation. It's a wonderful thing. Hope it's smooth sailing for the next few days!
    Posted by laurenclaire1386[/QUOTE]

    I WISH I could delegate to FI! He is so obsessed with some new video game called Minecraft that I can hardly get him out of his office. Thankfully he's pretty well out of my way, so I can get things done around him. I just can't wait to get table runners out of my house and be able to put wedding presents away and get them out of the corner of my living room.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: S....L....O....W....</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: S....L....O....W.... : I WISH I could delegate to FI! He is so obsessed with some new video game called Minecraft that I can hardly get him out of his office. Thankfully he's pretty well out of my way, so I can get things done around him. I just can't wait to get table runners out of my house and be able to put wedding presents away and get them out of the corner of my living room.
    Posted by LDYGTR13[/QUOTE]
    I know what you mean. The one thing I put FI in charge of, music for the wedding, I pretty much ended up doing myself after hounding him for a couple weeks :/
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • Oh Mery that's got to be waaaaaay stressfull. My brother bunked with us for just about nine months too and we finally had to have a come to Jesus with him about how I can't be mama anymore and that I didn't want to be part of a married couple with a roommate. Time to grow up.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • It's been stressing me out today because 1) I'm going to be married and have a roommate for at least another week. Awesome. Hopefully she's moving out the weekend we get back from our HM and 2) I got an email from my other BM about how they talked and she can't afford to pay for the bachelorette trip now. Which she knew she was signing up for pay for when she was invited. (It's her portion, too, I paid for my own portion.) And frankly, saying, "I'm really sorry I'm still living in your house" only goes so far. As of last month she had saved a grand total of $350 over EIGHT months of working full time. She claims she never spends money. I have no idea where her money goes (she doesn't do drugs) and I honestly don't need to be worrying about another adult's financial situation. It really just feels like she's taking advantage at this point.

    Sorry for the rant. I told my other BM I'd talk to her about it and ranted in an email earlier today. But we've discussed it before and with her, I'm preaching to the choir!
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: S....L....O....W....</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: S....L....O....W.... : I did clicky & find it.  That looks awesome!!!  I love that you have your own private pool & hot tub!! Not sure why but I'm obsessed with having a private pool as well....I mean, I guess we'll go to the big pool, too, but I just think there's something so cool about having your own private pool.  And we get a butler, too. Yay.
    Posted by jcbsjr[/QUOTE]

    BUTLER!??! That's awesome!! I'm loving the private pool too. I think that's why FI chose it. I'm extremely excited. You're gonna have so much fun!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: S....L....O....W....</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: S....L....O....W.... : I know what you mean. The one thing I put FI in charge of, music for the wedding, I pretty much ended up doing myself after hounding him for a couple weeks :/
    Posted by laurenclaire1386[/QUOTE]

    FI was in charge of food, drinks, and picking out a first dance song - oh and making sure he gets RSVPs from folks. I did the food. I picked the first dance song. I've gotten half of his RSVP's for him lol. I have a feeling he can handle beer though...I hope he can.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: S....L....O....W....</a>:
    [QUOTE]Well, FI decided to take more time off before the wedding than me (WTF) so he gets stuck with projects! He decided last minute to go into the office today, but he'll be off tomorrow. And I have work and class tomorrow. Joy. I have boxes of escort cards, table runners, guest book stuff, a card box and centerpieces stacked in my dining room. The dining room is in the middle of the house so I have to walk through it all the time, so this stuff isn't out of the way at all. I have wedding presents in my walk-in closet and I'll likely have more there soon. I cannot WAIT for my friend to move out. She's been living in my den for 9 months and it's a constant source of stress. Plus, if she wasn't there, we'd be able to shove this stuff in the den. She owes me and my other BM money from my bachelorette. She had it with her, didn't pay us, and now mysteriously doesn't have it. She claims money is tight because she's trying to get her own apartment and just put a deposit down. Which I can't fathom, since I've been covering her shelter, utilities and some food for the better part of a year. Wanna talk about finances being tight? Plan a wedding. Grrr. I just can't see how she'll support herself when she moves out, and I don't want to be in this situation again. Oh, and FI asked her to start paying rent this month (the amount he asked for is miniscule) and she didn't.
    Posted by msmerymac[/QUOTE]

    Ack, that's just wrong.

    I have a friend who's father in law has been living on the couch of their 1 bedroom apartment for 8 months. He left his wife and quit his job and it just mooching. I can't imagine how hard that is.

    Thank GOD I dont have anyone extra at my house right now...i'd cry.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: S....L....O....W....</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: S....L....O....W.... : We sued AUntie Belham's last time!  But that's not the cabin we had. ETA: We USED Auntie Belham's last time...sheesh, I think I'm one cup of coffee over my limit...
    Posted by Wrkn925[/QUOTE]

    Were they good? I've googled recently and found lots of "don't use auntie belhams!!" posts...I'm scared lol
  • She's estranged from her parents and they live in Illinois.

    She put down a deposit on an apartment on Friday. Whenever the guy moves out and they clean it, she can move in. I *think* she still has to pay rent for the first month or pro-rated rent for whenever she moves in. She also had some kind of financial emergency where her direct deposit didn't go through and it screwed up her life last week. Or something. And she had money to give to me and my other BM for the bachelorette trip IN HAND on the trip, but never gave it to us and now it went towards her apartment, I guess.

    So basically, she'll be moving out between the 16th and 22nd. But she's taking the last week of October off from work (she's in another wedding, out of state) and won't be making money that week at all because she doesn't get PTO. But I hope that's not my problem.

    With her staying in her "room" most of the time, being a total slob, not cleaning and expecting me to make dinner, I feel like I'm the parent of a teenager sometimes.

    And she had a second job for a hot minute, and still mentioned that if I cooked dinner and had leftovers, I could just set them aside and she'd eat when she got home. Cause the only thing she could afford to eat otherwise were $1 frozen pizza. Holy shiitballs, that's nervy.

    Thanks for letting me vent. I clearly can't vent on FB or anything because she'd see it. I can only do it with FI and friends privately. Even here she may very well see it. She knows I post here and she works in the jewelry business, so I know she's read these boards before.

    PS, I paid for her BM dress, so her crying about how moving and being in 2 weddings this month is making her broke is pretty much BS. Her lack of foresight is what's making her broke. For the other wedding, her flight was paid for by the bride and she's wearing a dress she already owns.
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  • Wow Mery.....some people have no shame.  That's unfortunate.  I couldn't imagine what'd it feel like to live with a friend and not contribute anything.  I had a friend who would always say as we were walking up to the door of a club that she forgot her money at home, but would pay us back as soon as we got home.  We never got paid back and I know it used to drive me crazy, she finally stopped doing it with me when I drove her a$$ back to her house one night to get her money. 
  • LDYGTR, Auntie Belham's is fine.  They are cranky and strict, but they are big, so they do what they can get away with.

    We got one sales call there. (Auntie Belham's HAS to get a kickback from that.)
    They were really strict on check-in/check-out times. (Understandable)
    The people at the office were just cranky and a tad rude, but nothing worth throwing a fit over.
    The cabin was clean, it was affordable, and we were happy.

    We actually broke a rocking chair, and glued it back together. We did this the correct way, with straps for pressure and wood glue.  It was sturdy and stable when we left, and we weren't charged, THANK GOD, but that would've cost us an arm and a leg to replace.
    PS- WIth all the wooden furniture in Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge, it was HARD to find Gorilla Glue.  I think the cabin owners have an agreement so no one will sell it.
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