Wedding Etiquette Forum

Is it worth it?

I am a forever lurker but I figured since it's slow it's probably time to come out of my shell and post a question:

My reception is in a tent at a property with a septic system.  As a result port-o-potties of some sort are a necessity.  I've been getting prices and the difference between the awesome toilet trailers with sinks and all that jazz and your average port-o-potty is going to be at best $500 in my area.  Do you think it's a better idea to spend the extra cash on the upgraded toilets or to offer liquor and mixed drinks at the bar?  We are already providing wine and beer but the caterer wouldn't serve mixed drinks without adding an extra bartender and therequisite tips that go along with.

Any thoughts?

Re: Is it worth it?

  • I'd rather have booze in almost any situation.

    Although I'm not crazy about going to the port o potty in my dressy  clothes, either.

    This is a good question.
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  • Is the $500 for just one port-o-potty? Depending on your size, I'd almost say downsize on the booze (which hurts me to say) and up the number of pottys.

    What good is alcohol when you have only one pot to pisss in? Plus if someone gets, for lack of better words, "stuck" in there for quite a while--what happens then?
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  • No - there would be three normal port-o-potties or a toilet trailer with three stalls or units in it.  We're having about 100 guests and I know some cloese family members will probably still sneak into my Aunt & Uncle's house (although we may lock the doors).  We want to provide everything in the yard to reduce the risk to them.

    And the toilet trailer comes with a concierge service who will clean it up if there's any incidents :o
  • Yes it is worth it to get the toilet trailers with sinks. For one thing, they have more than one stall *usually* and are much easier to move around in in a dress. Bearing in mind that you already have wine and beer, you are providing some alcohol, but they will all be dressing up for you. If you got a nice dress would you rather crouch over a seat in a two by two foot square or have a trailer with a sink.
  • If your guests are anything like me, any amount of booze is going to cause me to pee regularly all I would probably invest in the potty.
  • Thanks Terbear for the point of view.  I think I'll go ahead and book the trailer now (I have to to get the date).  I'll try to find money for the bartender and the liquor later.
  • I'm going to go with the nice toilets.  Hands down.  I'm perfectly happy with beer or wine in any situation.

    At almost every wedding I've been to, there's at least one guest that drinks a little too much and winds up puking in the toilet at the end of the night.  I would think that doing that in a Port-a-Potty would be pretty gross.

    Also, they don't usually have sinks, and the thought of people doing their business and then eating and drinking and holding hands while dancing grosses me out.  And they'll all probably want to hug you.  Do you want poo-hands on your wedding dress? 
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Is it worth it?</a>:
    [QUOTE]If your guests are anything like me, any amount of booze is going to cause me to pee regularly all I would probably invest in the potty.
    Posted by duckie1905[/QUOTE]

    Yep, liquor goes straight through me, so I'd probably pee my pants if I had to wait in line forever just to potty.
  • I'm one of those weird people who won't drink unless there is a toilet that is acceptable.  Your extra drinks would go to waste unless i had an option other than those horrid blue porta-potties
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Is it worth it?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I' At almost every wedding I've been to, there's at least one guest that drinks a little too much and winds up puking in the toilet at the end of the night.  I would think that doing that in a Port-a-Potty would be pretty gross.  Posted by Brie2010[/QUOTE]

    Well, that would teach them not to drink so much :)

    But, I agree - toilets over extra booze.
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  • How many restrooms (as in number of individual  toliets) are available if you didn't offer the extra port-o-poties?

    We had a reception of about 70 people, three toliets on a septic system and it was not a problem at all.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Is it worth it?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Thanks Terbear for the point of view.  I think I'll go ahead and book the trailer now (I have to to get the date).  I'll try to find money for the bartender and the liquor later.
    Posted by SpookieCat[/QUOTE]

    Sorry, just saw your reply. If it is a matter of upgrading to the trailers I'd definitely skip the booze money and do it. No one wants to be in a standard port-o-potty squating in a nice dress and heels.
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