Wedding Etiquette Forum

When is it most appropriate to thank someone...

My mom & stepdad graciously offered to cover the entire cost of the wedding for FI and I. My father & stepmother pleasantly surprised us all by saying that they, too, would contribute. I do not know how much they will be contributing, as it's not my place to be involved in the money side of things (IMO).

That all said, we're not splurging on an extravagent wedding. We have an overall budget of about $20,000 for 175ish people (mostly family).

My aunt has offered to my parents to cover the cost of the photographer as her wedding present to FI and me. My mom filled her in on the option we'd picked out (which is on special - YAY!!!, but is still about $1,000). I, of course, have already verbally thanked my aunt for the offer.

When is it appropriate to give her a written thank you? When the photographer is paid for (in part or in full)? At the rehearsal dinner? At the wedding?

Our wedding is in August 2012, so I know things are getting done well in advance. I'm just not sure what the ettiquette is for such a gift.

Re: When is it most appropriate to thank someone...

  • If you thanked her in person already, I think that you can write her a nice thank you note and perhaps get her a small gift at the rehearsal dinner or at the wedding. 
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: When is it most appropriate to thank someone...</a>:
    [QUOTE]If you thanked her in person already, I think that you can write her a nice thank you note and perhaps get her a small gift at the rehearsal dinner or at the wedding. 
    Posted by SarahPLiz[/QUOTE]

    Ditto. This is perfectly fine.
  • edited April 2011
    Agreed. I would write her a note now and get a print framed for her as a gift after the wedding.

    Edit: <3 the Disney button :)
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  • I'd definitely send a heart-felt thank you, and I think a printed picture is a lovely idea for a close family member who cares about you that much.  As long as your gracious in person, waiting until after the wedding to write them and tell them how much it meant to you is fine.
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