Hi friends, this board has been so helpful for thinking through some tougher wedding problems. So, here's a new one.
I am stuck on whether or not I should invite a married couple who are friends of mine to the ceremony. I love them both, but the Mr. is a little wild. Which, in my personal life is part of why I like him, but when it comes to weddings...I'm nervous about his behavior.
For example, when I emailed my entire friends and family (including children) to announce our engagement, he sent an enthusiastic reply--to everyone--that included the F-word. It was an accident, but at the same time I wasn't totally surprised. You know what I mean--he's the friend who is "the crazy one".
If I could know he would behave, the idea of having them both at my wedding makes me very happy. But, I don't know that.
How do I think this through?