I asked a question on here a few weeks back about inviting the minister of my wedding to the reception. I got good feedback on that and now I have a part 2 to that question: Now that I know he IS coming do I have to invite his wife? My mother seems to be VERY set on doing so but I don't understand. I'm not inviting the photographers husband so why would another vendor get to bring his wife? He is saying grace at the reception and basically leaving after the meal. My mom was very upset when I told her I hadn't invited the wife but I just don't understand her logic to invite a stranger to a ceremony and meal where she will only know her husband who is there to provide a service. If he was a guest I'd understand since she's his WIFE, but he's being paid to be there....am I on the bad side of etiquette here or is my mom still on her crusade to slip an invite to every possible aquaintence?