Wedding Etiquette Forum

Crawling out of the post wedding coma

Wow. I feel like I crawled out of a cave and haven't seen the sun in years. We were married about 3 weeks ago and I am JUST starting to get back to normal.

Anyone else take a while to feel like normal? I am also feeling a bit of the post wedding blues. I was so sick on my wedding day I can barely remember a thing (hopped up on cold meds and champange) and wish I could have gotten married THIS week since I feel WAAAY better. Thank GOD for pictures.

Re: Crawling out of the post wedding coma

  • Welcome back!  I'm sorry you were sick on your wedding day.

    H and I were exhausted after our wedding for about two weeks, mainly because we went on our HM right after the wedding and we had a six hour drive to and from Montreal.  We slept for the majority of our HM, lol.  It was probably about a month before we were 100% again.

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  • edited April 2011
    Thanks Apple! We had a day between our HM and wedding so we packed and left. I also took the week off after we got back so last week as my first week back at work. I was dragging ass  by Wed and had a "I don't wanna be a social worker anymore!" 5 year old tantrum moment. WOW.

    Cfas, I feel exactly the same way. No tears at my wedding from me...but that is bc I am not just an ugly crier but I am a HIDEOUS crier...I puff up like a big pink snotty something. There are no words for it!

    But when I think about it I get teary eyed. "Shake me Like a Monkey" came on my ipod as I was working out yesterday and I remember my DH taking me on the dance floor and twirling me around like crazy and I got teary eyed on the arc trainer! lol
  • Congrats!!!!  Part of me is sad we're not going on a honeymoon right away, but another part of me thinks we might be able to enjoy it more later!

    Did you AW some pics?  Did I miss that?  *Runs to look at threads from the weekend*
    BabyFruit Ticker
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  • We got married the weekend before Thanksgiving, and I don't think either one of us really got over being exhausted until around New Year's. We honeymooned right after, then I had job hunting to do as soon as we got back. Then my family came for Christmas. So yeah. It took us a little over a month to really get back to our normal routine.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • Veggie, I hear you.  I REALLY wanted to take a HM right away, but if I could do it over again, I'd wait.  We were so exhausted we barely enjoyed it!

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • Congratulations!!!  It didn't really take me any time to get back to normal, but I also wasn't stressed out about the wedding at all. 

    Take some time and relax!!
  • It took me a while to get used to being married.  We didn't live together until we got married, so even with the wedding planning done, there was unpacking and rearranging to do, as well as loads of thank you notes.  And work was chaotic because of the time I took off for the wedding and honeymoon.
  • I said "normal, what's that" because I remember thinking that after the wedding I'd have more time. Seems logical, right, since I would no longer have to spend time on planning? Yeah, that never happened. Somehow work and life filled in right where the wedding left off, and I feel like I just get busier and busier.
  • Let me get back to you in 2 months from today - literally LOL.

    We are not HMing until August, because I have to line up stuff for college this Fall in July (plus FH will not miss the ShrimpFeast), and we are going to my hometown for a family reunion/visit my family/run off to the coastline type of HM. 

    I have a feeling life will get back to normal fairly quickly since we have lived together over 2 years, we have a blended family, plus no more babies for us.  We have 4 between us and FH has a new granddaughter that is 2 months and 2 days old. 
  • It seems like everyone is a few weeks to a month or so.

    And we did have a chance to enjoy our honeymoon. It was a HUGE relief. Although the first thing I did on our cruise was get a couples massage so THAT HELPED! Also going on a cruise helped...we didn't have to run around like crazy...just relax:)
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