So, I'm not sure if this is technically "ettiquette" related, but I need some advice.
FI's university roommate was asked to be a GM. Unfortunately, the day after, he was also asked to go to Taiwan to get a job teaching English. He agreed to the Taiwan job because, hey, it's Taiwan. When else would he have an opportunity like that? In all fairness, he said he was so excited, he forgot about the wedding, and that he felt really bad. We understood, and told him there was no need to apologize. We would have him over for dinner when he got back, and he could look at wedding pics. Well, that wasn't good enough for him. He said that he wanted to be there, but we all knew it was impossible (round-trip tickets from Taiwan are crazy expensive!), so we thought of a new plan. He's going to Skype into the ceremony, as a GM, on FI's iPad.
My Questions:
How would you do this? We want him to be walked down the aisle and held up at the front by one of the other GMs. I talked to my brother, and he said he'd be happy to be the "GM Bearer" (lol) in addition to being a GM. I just would like to make this clear to the guests before the ceremony starts, in case they find it thoroughly confusing. Should I just put it in the program? WWYD?