It's rainy here, I'm bored, and I enjoyed the other poll. Just play along. K thanks
-Most likely to pants someone:
-Knottie you look forward to seeing on the boards:
-Knottie you think you'd be BFFs with IRL (that you haven't met, FiAlDy-!!):
-Knottie who's wedding pics you're looking forward to:
-Most likely to tell someone they're wrong:
-Most likely to come in and tell everyone to be nice:
-Most likely to be a b*tch to a newb:
-Most likely to have an opinion about everything:
-Lawyer knottie you want to represent you in court:
-Next knottie to get KU:
-Knottie who isn't around as much as you'd like:
-Husband you'd most like to steal: