Wedding Etiquette Forum

Mother's new husband - kids

Is it proper etiquette to invite my mother's new husband kids? I shouldn't call them "kids" - they are grown and in their 20s.

Re: Mother's new husband - kids

  • Yes. Your mother and her husband are a social unit should not be broken up.

    If the kids are your mother's new husbands, doesn't that make them your step-siblings, technically?
  • How old are they? Are you inviting other children? If your mom's new H has joint custody, does it fall on a weekend when he'll have the children? Would it make your mom happy if you invited them? It's certainly not improper etiquette to invite them. They're your mom's stepkids.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Mother's new husband - kids</a>:
    [QUOTE]Yes. Your mother and her husband are a social unit should not be broken up. If the kids are your mother's new husbands, doesn't that make them your step-siblings, technically?
    Posted by jerseydevil[/QUOTE]
    I don't think OP is wanting to not invite her mom's H, unless I read this wrong.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • It depends on your relationship, but it would be a nice gesture I think - to show them that you're including them in your family.
  • Unless there is some reason you DON'T want them there, then you should invite them.  Even if there is a reason that you don't want them there, you should probably still invite at least the husband, and you're having other kids then you should invite the kids as well.
  • Yeah, ok I read that wrong... Sorry, OP! My bad. Thanks, laurenclaire.

    In that case ditto PP - It depends on how old are they? Are you inviting other kids?
  • Everything LaurenClaire said.  Do you have a reason to not want to invite them?  They are family now.

    I'm inviting my stepsiblings.  Though my mom and stepdad have been married a long time, we aren't close at all.  I doubt my stepsister is coming, but my stepbrother plans to.
  • I've never met my 2 younger step-siblings (15 years + between our ages and they live with their mom in another province), but they are my (beloved) stepdad's kids so they are being invited.

    It would be a nice gesture to your new stepfather and mom if you are having other kids there!  

  • I'm also inviting my (grown) step brother and sister -- as well as my SS's husband and theee kids. I wouldn't say I'm particularly close with them, but it seemed like the nice thing to do -- and otherwise mny stepmom would know almost no one.
  • his childeren are in their 20s - there are only two of them - I don't have a problem including them...I'm just not sure what to do.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:6eb5dc6a-2a25-49f3-9b75-05d03d87d630Post:446e6f59-1e19-4505-a1f7-7a64adb56b74">Re: Mother's new husband - kids</a>:
    [QUOTE]his childeren are in their 20s - there are only two of them - I don't have a problem including them...I'm just not sure what to do.
    Posted by Foster30[/QUOTE]

    Do they come to family functions? Have you met them before? If so, then I think you need to invite them.

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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:6eb5dc6a-2a25-49f3-9b75-05d03d87d630Post:446e6f59-1e19-4505-a1f7-7a64adb56b74">Re: Mother's new husband - kids</a>:
    [QUOTE]his childeren are in their 20s - there are only two of them - I don't have a problem including them...I'm just not sure what to do.
    Posted by Foster30[/QUOTE]

    Chances are they won't come, but it would be a nice gesture on your part, towards your mother, to include husband's kids.
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  • Depends entirely on your relationship. I did not invite the children of my dad's live-in girlfriend. I have never met one of them and I've only met the other two a handfull of times. They would have had to fly across the country. And my dad didn't ask that I invite them.
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  • If you know them, sure.  If you have never laid eyes on them, I do not see any reason to.  Fair enough?
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