I know there are a lot of posts about this, but I am really undecided on what to do.
I work in a school district & am considered a "district employee" (meaning I am not a teacher), but I work in 2 buildings. I have been in the district for 4 years & have my district department, plus my teams in my buildings. My department (12 people) is very excited for me & I feel that most of them think they are invited, as they have stated they are "sooo excited for my wedding." I am going to invite 1 person from my dept, but I hang out with her outside of work & we are good friends. I am also close with my team in my building and feel that they will be hurt if they do not get an invite. I feel totally obligated to invite my principals, since they were invited to other co-workers weddings last year.
I also have a fellow team member in my bldg that is getting married a couple weeks before me & we talk about inviting coworkers since we feel if one does it, then the other one has to in order to avoid a mess.
I simply cannot afford to invite everyone, nor feel that I need to. I have no idea how to address the subject. We go back to work next week & I am scared that people will start to "fish" for invites. I especially feel torn because I have worked there so long & if I could afford it, I would invite them. Do I send "courtesy" invites? Our wedding is out of state, so I don't know how many of them would actually travel. How do I appropriately address this and avoid the fallout from school politics?? HELP!!!!