Wedding Etiquette Forum

bridesmaids tea

I was invited to a bridesmaids tea/luncheon for a soon-to-be cousin.  I am not in the wedding party.  The tea is the day before the wedding.

Do we bring presents to teas?  Traditionally, I'd think that this tea would be to honor the bridesmaids, but now all the cousins and cousins-in-law are invited -- has it morphed into another shower?

I'm only fussing because I'm taking a redeye to the whole shindig, so I'll only have a few hours between landing and making it to the tea.  I have no idea how I'm going to bring a nicely wrapped gift to this function.  (I already sent over a rather extravagant wedding gift.)

Re: bridesmaids tea

  • I wouldn't think it's a gift-giving event.  A lot of times here when someone doesn't want to receive gifts, we suggest they have a "tea".  Also, usually the BM luncheon is for the bride to thank her BMs and give gifts to them, not the other way around.  I think you're in the clear to skip a gift for this one.
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