Wedding Etiquette Forum

sangria recipe

Anyone have a good one?  I want to make it for my sister's bridal shower in a few weeks. 
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Re: sangria recipe

  • I just went to the Food Network. com. And they had quite a few.
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  • If you want to splurge, there's an excellent sangria mix at Williams Sonoma.  You can just add the fruit and wine to make it amazing.  A little gingerale never hurts.
  • I make an awesome White Sangria.

    1/2 jug Rhine Wine
    1/3 of a 2 liter 7 up (you do the math)
    triple Sec (2 shots) 
    Vodka ( 2 shots) 
    lime and orange
    1 cup sugar
    cherries if desired

    Use a pitcher that holds 2 quarts.  Cut up the lime and orange into segments and put at bottom of pitcher.  Add sugar and cinnamon and mash together until well mixed. The fruit should break up a little and get really coated in the sugar.  Next add the triple sec, vodka, and half the jug of rhine wine.  mix well.  Add about a 1/3rd of the 2 liter of 7up/Sprite.  Mix well, sprinkle some more cinnamon on top if desired.  Serve in a glass with ice and try to get some fruit into each person's glass. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Thanks, Dani; that sounds delicious!

    I found a bunch of recipes online, but I was hoping for a tried-and-true recipe since there are so many different ways to make it. 

    Does anyone have a good red sangria recipe, too?  I'd love to try both.
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • This is our sangria recipe that we actually made yesterday. 1 liter red wine, 1 stick cinnamon (cut into 3 pieces), 120g sugar, 1/2 cup brandy: mix in large bowl. Cut 2 peaches, 1 apple, 1 orange: add to mixture. Juice 1/2 lemon and 1/2 orange. Add. Slice 1/2 lemon and 1/2 orange. Place on top. Refrigerate for at least 3 hours (Overnight is best). When ready to serve add 1/2 liter club soda.  A few pics are on my blog if you want to see.
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