So my BIL, who has postponed/canceled his wedding 3 or 4 times now, is supposedly getting married this Friday...2 days from invitations were ever sent, we were told verbally that we were invited and that it is at a church in a nearby town at 7 pm. There is no reception or anything following the ceremony that night, just the ceremony.
We are supposed to be giving FSIL a bachelorette party tomorrow night but she won't text/call any of us back. We still don't know which church the wedding is at...she wants to have the reception at another BIL's house (2 weeks later) but hasn't asked BIL if they can have it there yet.
I was originally asked to throw the reception but my DH finally agreed that the way they wanted to do it was rude (see my previous post), so now it's all up in the air again.
They registered Sunday and said that the reception in two weeks will now be a reception/shower...then asked if I would let people know where they are registered.
There really is no point to this post except I am so irritated and at this point my DH and my SIL and BIL have said, if we don't hear from them today, we aren't going. It's about a 30 minute drive to the town, but who knows where in town it is, so could be 45 minutes to an hour. It's on a Friday night and, honestly, I have no desire to drive there for a 20 minute ceremony and leave when they are being this rude.
Oh---and when I tried to tell FSIL that there were a few things (etiquette) she needed to do, she said that she and BIL felt like "people" (me) were trying to tell them how to do their wedding and it really is about them and on and on...
Anyway, thanks for letting me rant ladies, here's to a big margarita at the end of the day!

ETA---Update! So oldest BIL went by their house last night and found out where it is...on the lawn of a local university...WTH??? He is supposed to let the other brothers know the one SIL/BIL have decided unless they are told from the bride/groom where it is, they don't consider having been invited and won't attend. DH is not wanting to go, but I think we will, just to keep the peace...thanks for all your insight

Happy Thursday!