Wedding Etiquette Forum

Gift for Officiant

My fiancee and I are getting married by a Deacon at a Catholic church (half mass).  His wife is the wedding coordinator at the church and after meeting her we asked if her husband could perform the ceremony because we clicked with her so well.  They have both helped us through the wedding journey and have become very special friends.  I am looking for unique ideas for a gift for them.  Any ideas except for the traditional check or cash?  Thanks!

Re: Gift for Officiant

  • twilight.rosetwilight.rose member
    1000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited August 2010
    You know them, so think about things they enjoy.

    Is there a restaurant they would love to have a gift card to? A theatre production/concert they'd enjoy tickets for? Think about things along these lines if you want to get away from giving them a check/cash.

    *Edit: PP's idea is fabulous, also.
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  • I like the idea of the gift card or the portrait. They might also just like a donation to the parish, rather than a gift for them? I know that's a route many people take.
    Our officiant is FI's former head of an organization from college and a very close friend, so we're going to offer him x amount of $, and if he refuses, we'll just make it a donation to FI's former organization in the name of our officiant.
  • The picture is a really nice idea, they might not have a nice one of just the two of them. Possibly that a gift certificate to a nice restaurant so they can have a "date" night.
  • I LOVE the portrait idea too!  I was already planning on making a donation to the church, but wanted to offer something personal too since it is a family member performing our ceremony.
    Anniversary BabyFruit Ticker
  • what religion are you?  i'm a presbyterian, and our preachers wear stoles (the long, hang-y things) over their robes, so i purchased a handmade stole for my reverend who is preforming the ceremony.  his wife loves scarves, and i happened to find her a homemade one that is gorgeous in color.

    the date night gift card is a great suggestion as well =]


    ***raise your glass if you are wrong in all the right ways***
    oh noes, sweetpea UPDATED her planning bio

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    • An engraved/personalized book mark is a great option because it's also a gift that he/she will use everyday.  I know they have them at Things Remembered.
    • A personalized leather book cover for his/her bible; if applicable. 
    • A nice pen/pencil set with or without personalization. 

    I do love the idea of the stole and the scarf... GREAT THINKING! 
    I hope this helps you - have a WONDERFUL WEDDING!

  • I love the idea of the portrait and gift card as well. :) Best of luck with your wedding and gift ideas.
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