Wedding Etiquette Forum

Requesting to be invited?

I'm not at all close to my mother's family and wasn't planning on inviting them to my wedding.  They live down in Oklahoma, I'm in NY and other than my grandmother, haven't seen any of them since 1999.  I last saw my grandmother in 2003.  Thanks to facebook, they know that I'm engaged, and my grandmother occassionally gets in touch with me through it.  My mom's half-brother randomly started chatting with me on there and asked if he could get an invite to the wedding.  I evaded the question and focused on other things he had said.  I don't want them at my wedding.  We're related by blood, but aren't family.  I doubt I'll talk to him again for months/years, but I need advice on how to deal with this kind of question.  At least when one of my "friends" asked if it was too early to ask to be a bridesmaid, I had an answer for her.
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Re: Requesting to be invited?

  • Just tell them that due to space/budget/other constraints that you and your FI cannot invite everyone.  It was rude of them to ask for an invitation.
  • I wouldn't bring budget, size or space into the conversation at all. Simply tell him you aren't able to invite everyone, and leave it at that.
  • At this point, I'd just ignore it and change the subject. No need to address it at all.

    And holy rudeness. People don't request to be BMs. They are asked by the bride. 
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    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • You'd be surprised how often this actually comes up! I was asked by no less than 5 people if they were invited to the wedding. Very awkward when you are still trying to figure everything out. I agree with pp and change the subject or just say you are still working on the guest list and that you won't be able to invite everyone
  • This happened to me as well!  Luckily it's just our immediate families and their kids/SO (with some close friends) and that kept people at bay.  No cousins, great aunts, etc.  I cannot afford to throw a family reuinion for my wedding.
  • I had this same problem just yesterday.  My FI and I haven't even picked a fricken date yet and people are already asking if they are invited to our wedding. Some people are so rude! *eyeroll*
  • We just got engaged on NYE and I've been asked by two people point blank if they'll be invited. Who says that?! Also getting weary of posting anything else on facebook due to comments from people such as "Can't wait - it's going to be a great party!"....from people whom we weren't even considering inviting. Yikes!

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  • If I hapeen to talk to my uncle again before the wedding, which I doubt will happen, I'll stick to saying something about budget and space.  Thanks everyone!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker Daisypath Graduation tickers
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