I'm just wondering who you (or FMIL, etc) are inviting to the rehearsal dinner. What is etiquette for this? I was thinking at LEAST those siblings that live with our parents, our wedding party members, officiant, and maybe grandparents. Anyone else?
Just a note: I have 7 (3 live with mom) siblings, 2 sis-in-laws, 3 nieces/nephews, and 1 grandparent, and my parents are divorced and super awkward around eachother (not sure if I should invite my dad); FI has 5 siblings, 4 living grandparents, and his parents are still together. 4 people are in our wedding party. There's a potential for about 30 people. Too many? I've only been to one RD and don't really remember who was there.
We may have a cookout dinner at a park or something because we're getting married on July 1st.