FI and I are having a small DW. We each have one attendant. I was finally able to get him to admit that he really wanted one other friend to stand by him. I want him to have the wedding of his dreams and I know including this other guy would really mean a lot to him. I have a weird thing about even and odd numbers as well as equal sides. I only have one other person I would feel comfy in asking to stand up there with me.
"The issue"
I was all ready to ask her this week. She is feeling good after her much needed break-up, she's getting confident, and really enjoying life. Yesterday I was almost ready to ask her when she confided in me that she is and has been seeing/sleeping with a married man. I didn't say a word and kept my thoughts to myself.
I am the type that believes in the sanctity of marriage and this is a huge no-no in my book. I think if both are adults, end your current relationships before hooking up. Its the adult thing to do in my eyes. So what do I do?? Any advice to get over the possible lopsided bridal party? Do I say anything to my friend? I'm so sad because I thought this would be a great bonding time for us and she was there for me when I had my break-up....this is difficult for me
139 Were invited to paradise!
39 Are ready to party!
100 Are stuck on the mainland!
0 Need to check their mail!