Wedding Etiquette Forum

PIP: Ceremony Decorations...Guest Annoyance?

I want to do this for my ceremony decoration.  It will be the only decorations we have at the ceremony since the space is outside on the river and beautiful as is.

Would you be annoyed as a guest to have to enter and exit from the side of the aisle with only one exit point?  Any better options?

Edit: Double Post I'm an idiot sorry, put this one back up.

Re: PIP: Ceremony Decorations...Guest Annoyance?

  • We're doing that. I don't think we'll have extremely long rows, so exiting out the side shouldn't be a big deal.

    Also, I know we're supposed to be keeping the guests comfort and all of that in mind, but you know what? They'll get over it.
    On bed rest since Groundhog's Day and every day since has been exactly the same.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I think it's really pretty.  I hope people aren't annoyed because we had guests seated from the sides as well!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Sorry, I deleted the other one.  You can edit this one to put the question and picture back.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Sorry double post, thought I canceled the first one</a>:
    [QUOTE]Sorry, I deleted the other one.  You can edit this one to put the question and picture back.
    Posted by danieliza1127[/QUOTE]

    Thanks Daniel, sorry haven't done that in a while.
  • I think a lot of ceremonies have this set-up, so people are probably used to entering and exiting from the side. I don't see a problem with it.
  • I think its fine. I've been to weddings like that before, no problem :) Will you have ushers?

  • Nope, I think it's quite pretty.  Are you having ushers?  If so, they can direct traffic and assist guests to their seats properly. 
    My Bio Updated 4/6/10
  • It would be a good way to keep your runner clean if you put it down ahead of time (which I actually recommend so you can secure it along the way.. I have seen outdoor weddings with it blowing all over the place .. even in the slightest of wind)

    Ditto only being annoyed if the rows are long or if you didn't do something to easily accommodate your elderly guests.
  • In a church ceremony you usually only enter from the center aisle. I think people are used to using one entrace and exit point. I think it look beautiful. Go with it.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: PIP: Ceremony Decorations...Guest Annoyance?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I think its fine. I've been to weddings like that before, no problem :) <span style="font-weight:bold;">Will you have ushers?</span>
    Posted by nda_roxybabe[/QUOTE]

    I wasn't going to because it's an outdoor wedding, but my mom said it is absolutely necessary...not sure what all of your thoughts are on that?

    So we were going to have the groomsman act as ushers since we don't have any, I'm still not sure how to handle it completely.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: PIP: Ceremony Decorations...Guest Annoyance?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: PIP: Ceremony Decorations...Guest Annoyance? : I wasn't going to because it's an outdoor wedding, but my mom said it is absolutely necessary...not sure what all of your thoughts are on that?
    Posted by jnic0319[/QUOTE]

    We had ushers at our outdoor wedding.  I don't really know what being inside or outside has to do with it.  They just sort of point people in the direction of where to sit and stop anyone that comes in late from disrupting the ceremony.  You can have the Groomsmen do it though, but then if anyone comes late, you just wouldn't have anyone in the back to help them.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • edited August 2010
    In Response to <a href="">Re: PIP: Ceremony Decorations...Guest Annoyance?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: PIP: Ceremony Decorations...Guest Annoyance? : We had ushers at our outdoor wedding.  I don't really know what being inside or outside has to do with it.  They just sort of point people in the direction of where to sit and stop anyone that comes in late from disrupting the ceremony.  You can have the Groomsmen do it though, but then if anyone comes late, you just wouldn't have anyone in the back to help them.
    Posted by danieliza1127[/QUOTE]

    I guess in my mind I thought it wouldn't be bad not to have them since it's not a church wedding and super formal, but then my mom explained it was more to help the guest than formality...I have been to so many weddings with no ushers that I never really thought it was a problem.

    The biggest issue we have, is we don't know who to ask this close.  Both of our siblings are in the wedding party, we aren't super close to any cousins and every guy FI is close to is included in his bridal party, so I'm kind of stuck and the only thing I could come up with is groomsmen helping.  I'm open to ideas and advice though!
  • Oh, I just realized you're only 2 months away.  Yeah, I wouldn't ask anyone at this point.  In my circle/area, being an Usher is like being IN the actual wedding party.  So you wouldn't ask someone so late in the game.  If I were you, I would just have your Groomsmen out where the guests will be coming in to sort of direct them to take seats using the outside aisle and to answer questions (like "which side is the bride's side?" and they say "oh there are no sides, please sit where ever you'd like" or whatever). 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • OK that's what I was thinking.  Yeah at two months out I don't want the ushers to feel like they are after thoughts since the rest of the BP was asked months ago.
  • I've been to very few weddings with ushers, and when there are ushers I generally ignore them.  I know how to sit, and not to sit in the first few rows if I'm not immediate family.  I wouldn't worry about it.

    As for the decoration, I think it's really pretty.  As a guest, it DOES annoy me when I see that, but I get over it in about half a second, so I'm not sure that's worth worrying about either.
    You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough. ~Mae West
  • I don't know that I've ever been seated/sat from the center aisle.  Its always been my assumption that you went in from the side to keep the aisle runner looking nice till the ceremony starts.  No?


    "Whatever East. You're just mad I RSVP'd "lame" to your pre-wedding sleepover."
  • I think most of the time the runner gets pulled out either just before the bridal party or just before the bride comes down.  I've always been seated from the center aisle, but what do I know, I thought it was OK not to have ushers haha.
  • I know people have done this but I do think it is a big annoyance. Elderly people commonly like to sit at the end because it is difficult for them to walk through the chairs and they have problems with people walking over them to get to their seats.
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