Wedding Etiquette Forum

Colonoscopy (clearly NWR)

I was hoping for some words of wisdom? Perhaps some advice? Or maybe even some fun poop jokes....ya know, to gear me up for my newly scheduled colonoscopy.
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Re: Colonoscopy (clearly NWR)

  • edited December 2009

    I believe the top quote is appropriate. 

    And GL.

    Edit: I guess you'll only find this funny/fitting if you watch the Office.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • Ask the doctor to leave it in for a few minutes at the end.

    I'm serious. You're more likely to remember the worst bit, and the last bit. Leaving it in makes the last bit less painful, so you think of the experience as not as bad. Patients who do this are more likely to stick with recommended screening guidelines rather than give up because it's too unpleasant.

    1st year anniversary in Victoria with a killer whale topiary!
  • Rach, I'm sorry. My dad had these done when he had prostate cancer, and he made a lot of jokes about the pre-procedure processes he had to do at home. He said they made him "clean as a whistle," which I thought was a funny way to think about it. Are they going to put you out for the procedure? I'd recommend that.

    Taco cat: Always a palindrome. ALWAYS, okay J&K?

    "cool......insult my size 2 body or my natural brown hair...or the fact that my parents own a country club, I have no budget for a wedding, and I have horses. I really dont care. Its better then having roots." ~ futurepivko
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Colonoscopy (clearly NWR)</a>:
    [QUOTE]Ask the doctor to leave it in for a few minutes at the end. I'm serious. You're more likely to remember the worst bit, and the last bit. Leaving it in makes the last bit less painful, so you think of the experience as not as bad. Patients who do this are more likely to stick with recommended screening guidelines rather than give up because it's too unpleasant. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
    Posted by niq24601[/QUOTE]

    <div>I was hoping I wouldn't remember any of it---but I didn't even think about pain involved. This was much more helpful than the poop jokes I asked for.</div>
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  • I have to agree with niq - DH says that from a psychologists point of view, it makes sense.
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  • I had one this summer. I had a colon cancer scare, but I was fine!

    The actual procedure is fine, bc you're totally out. It's the day before that sucks.

    For the 2-3 days before only eat really soft foods. I ate lots of soups, yogurts, some noodles.... basically, whatever is left in your intestines is going to come out. Sorry if TMI.

    The day of I had gatorade and broth.

    Honestly, the worst part is drinking all of the medicine. It tastes better if it's really cold. Just keep forcing yourself to drink it, and plus your nose when you get sick of the taste. I kept it in the refrigerator and poured glass by glass.

    And, don't stray too far from the bathroom. I know it's gross, but when the meds kick in, they kick in.

    good luck!!!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Colonoscopy (clearly NWR)</a>:
    [QUOTE]Are they going to put you out for the procedure? I'd recommend that.
    Posted by beatlesgirl25[/QUOTE]

    <div>Oh, heavens yes! Sedation, indeed.</div>
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  • I just had one last month!  It was soooo fun!

    I have plenty of fresh advice in my head. 

    The stuff is mostly bad to drink because it tastes like salt water.  I did the orange flavor and put a straw all the way to the back of my tongue, so the flavor was not all over my mouth.  I almost hurled once all over my laptop, so do not do it whilst typing.

    Buy wet wipes.  The stomach acids that will be coming out all day will make you very tender.

    The procedure was nothing because they knocked me out, although I hear Iwoke up and tried to sit up in the middle.  After, I felt very gassy and crampy and just a little tender. 

    The worst part of it was that I had an extreme migraine for 3 days which I think was an anesthesia reaction, and the fasting the day before.  I have never fasted before.

    Poor rach:(  I feel like I have been missing you lately but I am thinking of you!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • The prep is by far the worst part. I swear I spent HOURS on the toilet.

    My family also took bets as to how much poop weight I would lose. I think it was 5lbs. My brother won a case of beer. That made if kind of fun.
  • Here is what I found funny about it....not a poop joke, but it cracked me up.  When the medicine kicks in it sounds like you are peeing after drinking 12 beers.  Just like pee.  I made my daughter come in the bathroom and listen and we cracked up all night over it.

    I have the sense of humor of a 4 yr old boy. 

    Oh...and my stomach was so flat for a few days, except the day of the procedure because of all the air they pump in there.  I loved it.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Colonoscopy (clearly NWR)</a>:
    [QUOTE] Buy wet wipes.  The stomach acids that will be coming out all day will make you very tender.
    Posted by saschaduran[/QUOTE]


    Really the prep is the worst part.  I've never been able to drink flat Sprite or 7up again, the stuff I had to drink pre-colonoscopy tasted just like flat Sprite.  Anyway, the guy doing my test said I had the "Katie Couric" experience because I talked and asked questions the whole time, but I don't remember a single thing.  The only thing I remember is laying in the "recovery" room and the doc came in and told me what they found, then I asked my mom about 3 times what he said because I kept forgetting!  It was all pretty funny after the fact.  It's really not that bad, I promise!
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  • The prep is what makes me cringe the most--but, I am really grateful for the advice on eating less solid foods leading up to the prep. I may need to install a TV in my bathroom.......
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  • Side note: When I had mine all the people waiting to go were older then 70. I guess after they gave me the "lala" drugs I kept telling the doctor that I must have the "newest and nicest set of buttcheeks he's seen in a while". And then proceded to yell "look at my cheeks!!!". Classy. I don't remember any of this.

    FYI- My ass isn't that nice.
  • I don't have any advice rach, but good luck with everything.
  • Rach, set up a way to entertain yourself in the bathroom.  Run a cord to charge your laptop (if you have one.)  You really will be camped out in there.
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  • I'm a little late, but this is a HILARIOUS column by Dave Barry on the subject:

    Good luck!  I've had two of the opposites (endoscopy) where they go in from the top and I had conscious sedation and the rest of the day was hilarious because I had short term memory loss and my family couldn't leave me alone because I kept forgetting what I was doing, haha.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Colonoscopy (clearly NWR)</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm a little late, but this is a HILARIOUS column by Dave Barry on the subject:   <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Good luck!  I've had two of the opposites (endoscopy) where they go in from the top and I had conscious sedation and the rest of the day was hilarious because I had short term memory loss and my family couldn't leave me alone because I kept forgetting what I was doing, haha.
    Posted by FutureMrsTR[/QUOTE]

    <div>Well I have both a colonoscopy and endoscopy--but I guess I thought they did both bottom up. I suppose I need to research  a little more...</div>
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  • Are you sure this isn't wedding related?  I mean, maybe you could set up a colonoscopy registry to cover the cost?  I think that would be ok as long as you & your FI didn't need anything. 

    Obviously, I have no advice, but good luck.  Hope you get some answers. 
  • Rach, no practical advice here either, but I'm clinching my booty cheeks just thinking about it. :p  Good luck, sweets.
  • Like everyone has said:
    1. the prep is the worst. I can't even describe the stuff they have you drink.
    2. I'd advise not being more than 10-15 feet from your bathroom and I'm serious.
    3. I don't remember a thing after they knocked me out until I woke up in recovery.
    4. I did not have any discomfort when it was over.

    The idea of a registry to cover the cost might be ok - just no dollar or chicken dancing allowed!!!!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Colonoscopy (clearly NWR)</a>:
    [QUOTE]Are you sure this isn't wedding related?  I mean, maybe you could set up a colonoscopy registry to cover the cost?  I think that would be ok as long as you & your FI didn't need anything.  Obviously, I have no advice, but good luck.  Hope you get some answers. 
    Posted by fangsiting[/QUOTE]

    <div>bahahah @ wedding related. I would be lying if I said I hadn't thought of setting up a wedding registry to help pay for my medical bills. ugh. </div>
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  • I dont have any words of wisdom, but a guy at my job just had one and right after he was awake from the anst. an alarm in the hospital went off and he had to walk outside in just a hospital gown in the freezing cold and the doctor was encouraging him outside to make sure he worked on passing gas. 

    I'm sure yours will go much smoother then that! 
  • Good luck, dear.  My Mom had a colonoscopy recently, and joked that she'd definitely rather have colon cancer than have to suffer through one of those again.
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  • No advice, just good luck girl.
  • My parents have both had them, and all I can say is listen to those who advise to stick VERY close to the bathroom.

    Also, I think now there are pills you can take for the prep part as opposed to drinking the ick, so maybe ask your doc if that is an option. There are 2 pills out there: Osmo-Prep and Visicol. 

    Definitely stock the bathroom with wet wipes, magazines and books.  Good luck.
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