Wedding Etiquette Forum


Check out how much happier your non-smoky lungs are so far...

Did you use anything to quit?   I used the patch and orange juice.  I became addicted to o.j. - weird right?  You've gotten through the hard part - I promise.
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Re: Lizarelli

  • Oh and I just quit cold turkey. I wanted to see if any medications would help me, but I don't have health insurance. I tried the patches before, but you eventually have to quit those too. Tootsie pops have been my crutch.
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  • Wrkn925Wrkn925 member
    2500 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited October 2010
    I did Chantix.
    I quit smoking for two months.

    I also had bone chilling night terrors.  I would wake up sweating, crying, heart racing, and it would take me a few minutes to calm down.
    I got to where I was scared to go to sleep.

    I had some odd feelings, not really depression, just....odd.
    But I didn't have any physical nicotine withdrawals.

    It was like $110 a month.  They equal it out to an average of a pack a day. But that was 2-3 years ago.

    I debated trying it again, because it made it easy to quit, I just can't get past the nightmares.

    ETA:  I get distracted when typing.  I forgot to say that I'm sharing this because you said you did this cold turkey.  Good for you, because this was my major fail with prescription help.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Lizarelli</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Lizarelli : Wow, that's  a motivator if I've ever heard one! Maybe I should make FI take away my ring everytime I grab french fries.
    Posted by LDYGTR13[/QUOTE]

    <div>Right?! I can just imagine me being like "NO MY PREEEEEEECCCCCCCIOUSSSS!!!!"</div><div>
    </div><div>It's not like I really need to be punished like a child, but I have my most intense urges when I'm drunk, so to justify to my drunk-ass self that I shouldn't smoke, I'll need to give myself something dramatic to turn me away from it.</div><div>
    And as far as Chantix. FI's grandpa tried it and he HATED it. I've heard good and bad though. My mom quit with Wellbutrin 5 or 6 years ago and she liked that.</div>
    Wedding Countdown Ticker image
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Lizarelli</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Lizarelli : Right?! I can just imagine me being like "NO MY PREEEEEEECCCCCCCIOUSSSS!!!!" It's not like I really need to be punished like a child, but I have my most intense urges when I'm drunk, so to justify to my drunk-ass self that I shouldn't smoke, I'll need to give myself something dramatic to turn me away from it. And as far as Chantix. FI's grandpa tried it and he HATED it. I've heard good and bad though. My mom quit with Wellbutrin 5 or 6 years ago and she liked that.
    Posted by lizarellie[/QUOTE]

    Oooh, Wellbutrin gave me HORRIBLE migraines! I literally couldn't function for a week because of it. My doc told me to take it for a few more days to see if the migraines would go away, but I honestly couldn't stay in bed another day. I'm the only person I know that's had that issue though..and I was taking it for depression, not to quit smoking (obv)  but still. I like the tootsie pop idea; especially orange ones.
  • I used to smoke when I was in college, and then was down to only when I drank.  H and I both would smoke when we drank when we first met, but decided together to stop after a couple months of dating.  I actually do enjoy it while drinking, and have had one every once in a great while, but I hate the way I feel the next day.  One cigarette makes me feel like I have bronchitis the next day.  So I really try not to, and not being around smokers now helps a lot.

    Have you heard of the fake cigarette?  I din't know if thats only in certain areas right now or everywhere.  I know a few people who have used it and really liked it because it gives you the feeling of smoking but slowly weens you off the nicotine.  Our family is getting it for my dad for Christmas this year.
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  • Blech. Let me send you all my orange ones. They're my least favorite.

    And weird, I've never heard of migraines being a side effect. But yeah, my mom was taking it for depression too and then her doc suggested she try quitting if she wanted to and it worked.

    I'm finding a ridiculous amount of lighters around my apartment now though. I just found three in my little side pockets of my purse today. I'm a hoarder.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker image
  • And I have heard of the fake cigarette, or the vapor/ e-cigarettes but I think I would just feel like a giant tool smoking one of those. If they help you quit though, more power to you.

    But I must tuck myself into bed because I have le school tomorrow. At least I get the whole bed because FI is in Des Moines for three weeks for correctional officer academy. At least, that's what I'm telling myself is awesome about him being gone so I don't mope around and make sad faces at my cat all night. She gets confused.
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  • akhensley81akhensley81 member
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments
    edited October 2010
    Liza, I quit in February cold turkey. But a few weeks before the wedding I ended up starting again. I'm still smoking at the moment and frankly, I hate it. My poor lungs are coughing up all kinds of nasty shiit and it wakes me up in the middle of the night. Ugh. I'm kind of doing that "not emotionally ready" thing too. But my birthday is in a few weeks and that's my deadline to quit again. I'm not bringing this in to 29.

    ETA- And I tried Chantix once a few years ago, wrkn. I had the same problem. It got to the point where I was terrified to go to sleep. Then in the mornings, I'd be exhausted - I had a 45 minute commute to work at the time, which was terribly unsafe to drive so tired. And by the time I got to the office, I would haul ass to the bathroom and puke. It felt like it was doing more harm than good.

    I actually got to the point early this year where I'd decided I was willing to try Chantix again, just because I wanted to quit so bad. And then I managed to find the strength to just.stop. I'm working on that again. I did it once, I can do it again. :)
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:79edd48c-31db-43a0-a970-ef37ed0ddc1dPost:7cfff37c-68e3-4fdd-81d0-e0db8ea7e971">Re: Lizarelli</a>:
    [QUOTE]Way late on this, but I'm working on quitting too. I started smoking when I would go out with friends but if I didn't finish the pack I felt like I was wasting money just throwing it away. It would be so much easier to quit if H would. I'm definitely a social smoker because I rarely ever want one when I'm alone or around people that don't smoke unless I'm super stressed. The only real time I want one is when I'm driving to work and coming home. I should have never broken my 'no smoking in the car' rule. Then I'd definitely quit. My motivation is winter and a Coach purse. I hate going outside to smoke when its cold and we don't smoke in the house. I bought the purse back in July and told myself I could only have it once I quit smoking because I don't want those little pieces of tobacco in a purse I spent $100 on. H and I each bought a carton of them when we were on the honeymoon in NC since they're so much cheaper. <strong>I think I have half left</strong>. By that time it should be cold enough outside. I'm going to go cold turkey.
    Posted by lovethebeach16[/QUOTE]
    Don't you think a homeless guy would love those ciggies?  Donate them now and quit!
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  • Oh! Oh!  Chiming in late, but with some encouragement and high-fives.  I quit . . . I am not exactly sure when, but a couple of months ago.  I used Chantix for a bit and I didn't have nightmares, just very very vivid (kind of fun, really) dreams.  I kind of miss the Chantix dreams.  This is the first time I've gone OFF the Chantix and stayed quit.  Knock wood. 

    Many states have free quit-smoking programs - many also offer free gum and/or Chantix as well as the support.  Give it a try.

    I've smoked on and off, mostly on, for over 25 years.  So if I can quit, and I can, then anyone can. 

    Andy . . . wow.  Just WOW!  You kick ass.
  • When I quit I used the gum for the first week, and only after meals. I also would still go out for my cigarette breaks and instead of smoking I would puff on the end of a BIC pen that I cut so that you can inhale and pretend you are smoking. I only went out a few times before I just would do it inside..

    Really I was so scared of gaining weight when I quit, but I actually ended up losing weight because I started working out to distract me. My house was much cleaner because I couldn't allow myself to sit there and focus on cigarettes. Good Luck!!!

  • Way Way Way late on this, but I know someone who used Chantix and she had these vivid dreams that she had been cheating on her husband, and shen she woke up she couldn't figure out if it was real or not. She eventually stopped taking it because she couldn't deal with all of the emotions it was giving her.

    FI quit in August of 2008. He just stopped smoking one day. He still craves them and wishes he could smoke them, but he tried once and got physically sick, so he won't be trying again.
  • I seriously envy anyone who can just put it down. FI did that about a year after we started dating. I can't. I want to want to quit, but the fact of it is, I REALLY LIKE CIGARETTES. I haven't really tried quitting because I know I'll beat myself up for not being able to do it. I know I'm going to have to quit like soon, but I just can't find the damn motivation to do it. I think I'd have to give up coffee too because there is absolutely nothing better to me than a cigarette and a cup of coffee. And giving up those two things cold turkey would send me into a tailspin, I think.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
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