Just when I thought I'd had the seating situation for my divorced parents figured out, I've been thrown a curveball. My dad is remarried, and I'm actually close with my stepmom - and not so close with my mom.
My mom dated a guy for YEARS after the divorce, but they never got married (I'm talking 10+ years). I was never fond of him, and we had a strained relationship. They would breakup/makeup constantly, and then broke up for good, and have been at least 3-4 years. There is more to the relationship that makes me dislike him, but for the sake of keeping it short we'll just say that mom's boyfriend was more important than us kids. Today my mom tells me to "add one more to the guest list" because she and him are back together and he's "changed". Regardless of if I want him there or not, he will be invited because he and my mother are a social unit.
My issue comes with ceremony seating. I don't fee like this guy should sit on the front row during the ceremony. What is the etiquette for a situation like this? I honestly can't stand him, and growing up he wasn't very nice to me. I haven't seen or spoken to him in 4+ years. Is he supposed to walk in with my mother? Before finding this info out, my brother was going to escort mom down the isle.
I was already stressed out about having my dad, stepmom, and mom all sitting in the front row (because I feel my stepmom deserves that honor), now I have to deal with mom's boyfriend.