We have been planning our wedding for about a year and a half, for next october 2010. we were by no means planning a LARGE wedding, about 70 guests, and a huge reason for the small wedding is cost.
There has been a lot of financial pressure on both of us lately, we are both definitly on edge feeling like what ELSE could possibly go wrong that requires money.. and were considering bagging the "semi-small" wedding and going with something incredably small, like 20 people.
we've been enganged for so long, that of course we have told a lot of people our plans, and have even gotten some things lined up. we have sent no save the dates,and have not "invited" anyone. Everyone was already told the wedding was small, and the guest list was smaller, just in case we had to make cuts with out "semi-small" wedding.
My question is:
If we are going to bag it all and go small, how to we spread the word to these people who are anticipating a wedding?