1. As we discussed yesterday, people shouldn't judge you for paying for your ring. Everyone does it differently, even with e-rings. It's not one person's decision to get married, so why does it have to be one person's money buying the ring?
2. You're not June Cleaver, you don't have to do it all! My H helps out with everything around the house because I could never do it all on my own, nor should I be expected to.
3. You should tell your H how you feel. He may not realize how much time he is spending on the computer or playing games. Communication is the key to any good marriage.
4. My parents also paid for our wedding and gifted us 75% of our honeymoon budget. H's mom paid for the RD. We didn't ask for any of it, they wanted to do it. We could never have afford to it on our own and I'm so happy that things worked out the way they did. If people want to judge, that's fine, but that's my reality, too.