Hello Ladies,
I dont usually post here, Im mostly on the DIY board.
Im getting married in April and have a small issue.
We selected our reception venue as one of our first decisions. We are getting married in a church that we attend and the reception will be at a Science Museum. Its under an outdoor events tent with a brick floor.
Originally we thought our max for the tent (with dancing room) was about 80 people and this seemed like more than enough for us.
As it turns out, we have stretched the room to about 90, and thats all we can do.
It has come to our attention that there are members of our church and some work associates, along with a few VERY distant family members- who would like to/ expect to be invited.
To resolve this, we are thinking that we will have an open ceremony at the church, and anyone who wants to support us, is welcome to attend. We then intend to keep the reception private- by invitation only.
So, my question to you-
How should we communicate this? Should we include a note like "Reception to follow by invitation only" on the invitation? We were thinking about adding this to the programs.
Any other thoughts?
Thanks in advance!!