Wedding Etiquette Forum

Wedding gift from someone not invited!

Hey! We just opened a present from one of FIL's friends who was not invited to the wedding.  I thought that was very sweet of them.  FMIL now feels guilty that she didn't invite them.  Obviously it is too late to invite them, since our wedding is in a week and 3 days. 

I'm just wondering if this is common?  Did any of you receive gifts from people who are not guests?

I figure I just write a very very very nice thank you note and use the gift in good health!

Re: Wedding gift from someone not invited!

  • This happened to us, but we weren't "allowed" to invite the people (old family feud). We sent a TY note that just said how nice the gift was and how thoughtful of them to think of us on our wedding day.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I think it is probably common.  Send her a nice thank you and don't feel guilty.

    She probably sent it because she did the math and realized she wasn't invited.

    Some people are just nice : )
  • yeah, it was soooo sweet!
  • Yes, I've only received two gifts so far and one was from a co-worker who is not invited, and I don't really even like!
    Married 10/2/10
  • It happens.  People are very generous and can suprize you. :)
    Just send a nice thank you card.
  • Yes, it happens. People understand you can't invite the entire world. Send a nice thank you note for the gift.
  • Like the other girls said, it happens!! I had one of my student's parents send us our crock pot, two wine glasses and our body pillow.  Great gift, very thoughtful, still not invited to the wedding!! I send back a nice thank you note :)
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • my first 2 gifts (whole shipment of gifts actually) were from aunties not invited to my wedding.

    just send a thank you asap
  • We received gifts from a few people who weren't invited. I wrote a thank you note and instead of saying "it was so nice to see you at the wedding," I wrote "we hope to see you soon."
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    Infertile, living childfree, advocating like a BOSS
  • I would send a TY card, I'm guessing it happens a lot! We have family on both sides that we don't really talk to, due to family fighting, but I would imagine they would send something, like what happened to you.

  • we got lots of gifts from people who weren't invited. just send them a TY note, tell them you hope to see them soon, and have done with it.

    Glenna Harding Photography
  • This just happened for my shower.  I received a gift from my aunt, cousin, and cousin's FI (who wasn't invited!!).  I felt terrible.  I've only met her once and it was at my sister's wedding so it never crossed my mind to invite her.  My shower is in 10 days so I called my aunt and said, "I got your gift and it completed slipped my mind to invite XXX....can you let her know she is welcome to attend the shower?"

    Regarding the wedding, I'm sure I'll get something from my boss since she asked where I was registered, even though she's not invited.  Just send a very appreciative thank you note!
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