..that my mother in law is so rational, sweet, and understanding. I promise to cut her some slack when she starts begging for grandkids, because she is being the dream MIL for our wedding. Especially in comparison to some of the crazy family dynamic I see here.
She just sent me the guest list for her side, which she cut down A LOT because FI and I want a smallish (100 person) wedding and we have big families on both sides. Her email with the names and addresses is littered with things like "In any event I defer to you and FI as to what you decide to do" and "Absolutely no "and guest" invite unless they are in a substantial relationship which I don't believe any of them are. I added (distant cousins) to see if it was doable but with the full understanding it may not be. It's one of those cases where I'm not sure what to do to appease everybody. In any case, this is the list; I will not be adding anyone else and whatever you and FI decide will be fine with me. "
God bless her, she's getting an awesome Christmas gift this year and I'm making sure to thank her for being so easy going about this.