Wedding Etiquette Forum

This board makes me so thankful...

..that my mother in law is so rational, sweet, and understanding.  I promise to cut her some slack when she starts begging for grandkids, because she is being the dream MIL for our wedding.  Especially in comparison to some of the crazy family dynamic I see here.

She just sent me the guest list for her side, which she cut down A LOT because FI and I want a smallish (100 person) wedding and we have big families on both sides.  Her email with the names and addresses is littered with things like "In any event I defer to you and FI as to what you decide to do" and  "Absolutely no "and guest" invite unless they are in a substantial relationship which I don't believe any of them are.  I added (distant cousins)  to see if it was doable but with the full understanding it may not be.   It's one of those cases where I'm not sure what to do to appease everybody.   In any case, this is the list; I will not be adding anyone else and whatever you and FI decide will be fine with me. "

God bless her, she's getting an awesome Christmas gift this year and I'm making sure to thank her for being so easy going about this.

Re: This board makes me so thankful...

  • I also have to count myself among the lucky ones when it comes to IL's. Mine are awesome. They are the nicest, coolest and just most awesome folks anyone could ask for. I don't know why H doesn't want to visit them more.

    I love them to bits. I actually call them mom and dad.

    My parents were the same way with each others parents. In fact, my folks have been divorced for 23 years and my grams STILL asks about my dad and how he's doing. lol
  • My MIL told me last night there was no need for me to have kids, they are happy as is with just one. Um, thanks?
  • That's nice :)

    I'll trade ya!
  • You certainly did luck out there!
  • my fmil is an angel compared to what i read here. of course i can complain about her but only annoyances. it does kind of suck tho because i always thought mils were supposed to become close and i just dont see that happening.
  • me too :-)  MIL certainly has her quirks, but she is a dream compared to some of the stories on here
  • FMIL has been great the whole time.  I couldn't imagine having to deal with some of the situations that get posted on here.  Yikes.
  • I"m very thankful for my ILs too.
  • My FMIL can run as fast as me.  And at distances, maybe even faster.  We get along great. :) (Not sarcastic, we have a lot in common; clothes, running, love of baking and beaches).

    I feel bad for some people, and I used to think it was just a stereotype but nope some people are just crazy, or just hate to hate.
  • Me too, on hitting the jackpot, we are lucky girls indeed.  My FI family has been so warm and welcoming to me and my kids.  Love them!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: This board makes me so thankful...</a>:
    [QUOTE]My MIL told me last night there was no need for me to have kids, they are happy as is with just one. Um, thanks?
    Posted by whitsy[/QUOTE]

    <div>Huh? As in they are happy with just one grandchild? Right, because they get to decide that. Nice.</div>
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: This board makes me so thankful...</a>:
    [QUOTE]My MIL told me last night there was no need for me to have kids, they are happy as is with just one. Um, thanks?
    Posted by whitsy[/QUOTE]

    Oh, well now that your only possible reason for having children has been declared unnecessary...

    I think my FMIL will be begging me to have kids asap (not going to happen) but I don't think she actually assumes she holds any sway over my uterus.  I can't believe she would think that, let alone say that to you!!
  • Thanks MilkDuds. The thing is, we aren't even really decided on having kids. I am getting the Mirena Tuesday, so I'm on the "five year" plan, haha. It was just so unnecessary.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:7eeb67b2-be96-47f9-83d0-2c77b15124a2Post:abf6f172-c603-4c29-a867-5537e872b1d9">Re: This board makes me so thankful...</a>:
    [QUOTE]My MIL told me last night there was no need for me to have kids, they are happy as is with just one. Um, thanks?
    Posted by whitsy[/QUOTE]

    Ugh sounds like my grandmother she says she has enough great grands and FI and I should be devoted to ourselves.
  • I love my FILs. They are so sweet, and FMIL is very hands-off. I have a feeling she's worried she'll become a meddling MIL, so she's just being so sweet and helpful and understanding.
  • My MIL was the best.  She never got in our business, never played any guilt card and we had a deal with each other - I wouldn't draw pics in her dust if she wouldn't draw pics in mine.  She was awesome.
  • I hit the MiL jackpot twice.  xH's mother was absolutely the best.  She died after x and I divorced and I had little contact with her thanks to her daughters.  New MiL is a hoot; unfortunately she lives in Denver and I don't see her very often, but we email and chat on the phone weekly.
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