FI and I decided that the only children invited to our wedding are the ring bearers and flower girls. We sent out save the dates a few weeks ago. The kids who are in the wedding party, we included their names on the Save the Dates. Today, my cousin emails me that her son will no longer be able to be a ring bearer because they can't commit to coming to the wedding and she doesn't know where they will be living in December, and so forth. She ends the email with, I can't wait to see you at the wedding and in your dress. Um, okay? She contradicted herself, but that wasn't the problem.
I already sent them a save the date with their child's name on it. I know that everyone that receives a save the date, must get invited to the wedding. We have told other guests that we were only inviting the kids in the wedding party. So, if her son shows up, I'm going to have other guests who are angry.
I'm pretty much stuck inviting her son, right?
~~December 3, 2011~~