My future sister in law just recently found out she wasn't in my wedding party and blew a gasket. She called my fiance, called their father too and was asking how could this be and doesn't she (meaning me) know that your sister has to be in the wedding party, etc. This was never discussed and she's acting like she was actually booted like it was implied that she would be in my wedding party. I like her very much and she's been great to me and I would love to have her be a part of the wedding party. However, our wedding is going to be VERY small, only 25-30 people in total. I feel we're already pushing it having 3 people each in our wedding party as that will equal 8 people standing and as few as 17 in the audience during the ceremony. My own sister is my MOH and my two best friends for YEARS (one of whom's wedding I was in in October and the other's who I will be in next spring) are the BMs.
Is it expected/required to invite your future SIL to be a member of your wedding party even if you're only having 25-30 guests in total?
Thanks all.