Wedding Etiquette Forum

Evening Thread!


Re: Evening Thread!

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Evening Thread!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hey y'all! I'm back from getting my hair cut (way shorter! Atleast for me) and some impromptu shopping. But all the gifts are wrapped and Moofers is cuddling with me watching the <strong>Grinch</strong>! Lia - I got your PM! I'll add ya as soon as my comp charges. Yay!
    Posted by rachers1017[/QUOTE]

    <div>Which Grinch??</div>
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:80954692-61a4-4125-b594-6d23f77b351aPost:c26d0e4e-dc72-4651-b383-47f38bdb4d91">Re: Evening Thread!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hey y'all! I'm back from getting my hair cut (way shorter! Atleast for me) and some impromptu shopping. But all the gifts are wrapped and Moofers is cuddling with me watching the Grinch! Lia - I got your PM! I'll add ya as soon as my comp charges. Yay!
    Posted by rachers1017[/QUOTE]

    I am watching that too, love it! Although Sweetie is scared of the Grinch, haha everytime he comes in she runs...she's such a goof!
  • Ohh I like both but I think I like the Jim Carrey one best.

    Lia that sucks, I'm sorry to hear that :/ Are you excited for your first Christmas together? I bet that's exciting! I can't wait for those firsts. 
  • Hi everyone!  We just got back from driving around to look at Christmas lights.
  • We saw some really good ones tonight.  There's also a park about 15 minutes away that has a really awesome display of lights that we went and looked at.  They charge $10/car, but it's really worth it.  They allow you to drive through twice to see everything.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Evening Thread!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hi everyone!  We just got back from driving around to look at Christmas lights.
    Posted by strlzfan11[/QUOTE]

    <div>We did too. We've decided to make it a Christmas Eve Eve tradition. I'm getting ready and then we're going to a Christmas party with FI's friends. I don't want to go but I know he does so I'm going to suck it up.</div>
  • When we were kids we used to drive around and look at lights on our way home from church on Christmas Eve.  It's one of our family's favorite pasttimes.
  • Hahaha that's so cute. My parents and some friend's parents went through elaborate lengths to make sure that we believed. Hoof prints, soot boot prints near the fire place, it was great!
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:80954692-61a4-4125-b594-6d23f77b351aPost:fe56ee39-4470-4e1b-aca3-96f986c6b2d5">Re: Evening Thread!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hi all. I'm at a Christmas party with my parents, Sam came too. I'm hanging out with 3 women over age 55, woot. At least the hostess is a FABULOUS cook. The apps are amazing.
    Posted by crfb87[/QUOTE]

    That's usually me on Christmas Eve.  Friends of my parents always have a party with everyone they know (no less than 30 people in the house at any given point throughout the night) that we've gone to since I was in junior high.  I usually end up sitting next to my mom most of the night because there's not really anyone my age that I care to talk to there.  I'm kind of glad we're not going tomorrow night.
  • Yum.  I almost got lobster stuffed mushrooms today but I got French onion soup instead.  I love mushrooms!
  • Is anyone still here? IDK what time it is in PST
  • Ugh I am so ready to go home. We're at this Christmas party with Erik's friends and everyone got everyone else presents except for me and him so that was awkward. And now they're rolling blunts. He had the nerve to ask me if I cared if he smoked. Of course I care motherfucker. I need another beer.
  • He used to until one day I got tired of it and asked him to stop. He hasn't since then to my knowledge.
  • Is that controlling? I feel like asking someone not to do an illegal act isn't really controlling.
  • No. but I'm pissed that he knew how I felt about it and still asked me if he could do it. Now he's mad that I'm mad. the fuuck.
  • You guys are still up? ;) It's times like this the time difference really gets me.
  • Sorry for making you listen to my problems, Edie :]
  • Alegih, I'm going to suggest that he's just angry right now because you're in the situation and maybe both a little buzzed. Tomorrow (hopefully) it will be a different story.

    That being said, anytime a party turns into blunt rolling, it's over for me. I'd be hitting the door.

    As a Michigander, I can't bring myself to say "Go Pens" for you. :)
  • ;) hehehe

    Well, I should stop procrastinating. Time to shower up! We leave the house in an hour.
  • Back to the US for the first time in 2 years (WOO!) and Christmas with my family for the first time in 9 years.  We'll be headin to GA first and then Kentucky.
  • Will do! Merry Christmas! (it's Christmas Eve here!)
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