I need some advice on an issue H and I have been having with another couple who are good friends of ours. Sorry this is long.
My friend "K" was one of my BMs, her H "B" is a good friend of my H's, but they aren't as close as they used to be, so he wasn't a GM. B and my H own a PA system together from when they used to be in a band. We asked B if he would mind bringing it and setting it up at our Reception so we could DIY our music. He said sure.
A couple of weeks before the wedding K found out she was invited to work at a big fashion show on the day of our wedding, and asked me if I cared if she left while people were eating dinner but came back for dancing, I said no prob.
During the reception K left and never returned, but B stayed to hang out with another mutual friend and look after the PA. I was kind of hurt that K never came back, but I was getting over it. At the time it looked like B was having fun with friends so all was good.
A few weeks ago, we had them over for dinner as a thank you to B for helping us out with the music. After dinner we were showing them the wedding pics, and they made several comments about B not being in any of the pics, and K said at one point "oh was B sitting in a corner somewhere at this point?" and B said "yeah I had to make sure the music was working". They made so many comments like this, making it sound like B was stuck there all alone and didn't have any fun. It is clear to me that they are hurt, and I am not sure how to respond.
Do we owe them an apology? I can see why B would be upset about not being a GM then being asked to help out with the music, but we definitely dind't expect him to sit by it all night and not have any fun. Every time I saw him that night he was laughing with some friends so I thought he was ok. Now they are sorf of giving us the cold shoulder.
My H and I really value their friendship so I want to do the right thing. H thinks we should just ignore the issue and let them cool off. I feel like we should say something to them, but I am not sure what to say. Any advice?
Cliff's: A married couple who are friends of ours are offended that the H was not included very much in the wedding, even though the wife was a BM. Now they are being kind of passive aggressive, and giving us the cold shoulder. What should we do?