My parents are divorced, and my dad remarried. I lived with my dad/stepmom from the time I was in high school on. It took about a year of living with them before my stepmom and I to became close - but we have been ever since.
I'm not particularly close to my mom, and I don't agree with many of her choices. We talk maybe every few weeks on the phone, and usually it's her calling me. While I'm not close to her and I certainly don't want to hurt her feelings, I also don't want to discredit all that my stepmom has done for me over the past 12+ years and our close relationship.
My dad is footing the bill for about 50% of the wedding, and I do plan for the invitations to read "Mr & Mrs Bride's Dad" to reflect their generous contribution. I can definitely forshadow my mom is going to get a little huffy about it, but as of yet she has not offered to contribute at all. I don't expect her to, but being the MOB doesn't automatically warrent her to be on the invite.
My question is about seating. Is it inappropriate to have my mom, dad, and stepmom all sit on the front row? I don't want their to be a sh*t storm from my mother over it, but I feel like it would be incredibly rude to seat my stepmom anywhere other than the front row - especially considering our close relationship.
Are people going to think it's strange? I'm assuming I would seat my dad in between them, right?