Wedding Etiquette Forum

Help!!! Didn't include Children but someone is bringing their kids

For my wedding I had not included children because it wasnt in our budget. I would have loved for all my friends and fam to bring a lot of their younger kids but my fiance and I just can't afford it...Well here is my problem. My cousin is in the Military. He is stationed in Afganastan right now but his wife is going to be in California around the time of my wedding. She sent back the RSVP that she and their two childern would be attending. I hadn't included them in the gust list so I don't know what to do. The only children that will be at the wedding will be my nephews and cousins daughter (there in the wedding party). I know she is family but I would feel bad letting her bring her kids and then telling everyone else they can't bring their kids. Do I just contact her and tell her that the kids cannot come????....Please HELP!!!!

Re: Help!!! Didn't include Children but someone is bringing their kids

  • Yep call her and politely state that you are sad to say that the venue does not have enough room but you would love for her to still come. She might decline but if you can't fit them in they have to be notifed now.
    Nichole Tampa, FL BabyFetus Ticker
  • If she is traveling for the wedding I assume she will have no one to watch her kids. If there is at all any way to accommodate them, I would. Her only options would be to leave the kids with strangers or not go.
  • mica178mica178 member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Love Its
    Some brides make exceptions for children of OOT guests. 
  • her mom lives in california...close to the wedding location so I just figured that she would have her mom watch the kids....and yes I had thought that because they are coming from far away that I should include them...but I feel bad allowing them to come and not any other kids....

  • Definitely let them know you just can't afford it. It would be worse not to say anything and not have room for them on the day of the wedding.
  • OP, I agree with katelynbrian. It is unfair and rude to the other guests who arranged for and paid for childcare for a long event such as a wedding (babysitters are expensive for many hours and multiple kids!) Get in touch with her and politely say that this is a 21+ event and that IDs will be checked at the door...haha kidding. Just say that children can not be accommodated.

    I got around this by putting the one young child who I wanted to be there in my WP as the ring bearer. :)
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