Wedding Etiquette Forum

Still send thank you note when thanked in person?

A friend of mine stopped by my home the other day to drop off a wedding gift.  She asked me to open the gift while she was there so I did and it was lovely.  I thanked her for it and told her how much it meant to me that she stopped by to give it to me.  My wedding is in 2 days and she will be at the wedding.  Should I still send her a thank you note for the gift?
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Re: Still send thank you note when thanked in person?

  • I would still send the thank you note.
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  • yes, still send her a thank-you. We actually had a lot of people drop gifts off at my parents house ahead of time that still came to the wedding.
  • Definitely still send her one. 
  • Always
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  • Ditto everyone.
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  • I would. I think wedding gifts are a different beast than Christmas of birthday gifts, where it's totally proper to thank someone in person and not send a note. Wedding gifts are little more special, you know?
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  • Yes.  The postage is worth it.
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  • Send the thank you.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Still send thank you note when thanked in person?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I would. I think wedding gifts are a different beast than Christmas of birthday gifts, where it's totally proper to thank someone in person and not send a note. Wedding gifts are little more special, you know?
    Posted by msmerymac[/QUOTE]

    I remember Mom used to make me send my grandmother thank you notes for birthday AND Christmas gifts.  I hated it.  I also admit that Mom was probably right. :)

    "You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Still send thank you note when thanked in person?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Still send thank you note when thanked in person? : I remember Mom used to make me send my grandmother thank you notes for birthday AND Christmas gifts.  I hated it.  I also admit that Mom was probably right. :)
    Posted by wadingmoose[/QUOTE]

    Well, at least you got in the habit. :-) Better safe than sorry. I have been told that if you open a gift in front of someone, you do not need to send a thank you. So we didn't send thank you notes to our grandparents for Christmas gifts, but we did to our aunt and uncle, who shipped gifts to us.
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  • Thanks for the advice, I will definitely add her to the thank you list!
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  • I send TY notes for just about all gifts.  The only times I don't are when MIL gives us a gift and it's something like a bag of Lindt truffles from the grocery store.  Then a hug and TY is fine for her.  :-)

  • You always have to send a thank you note, even if you thanked them in person. 
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