Wedding Etiquette Forum


I just got a text from Nick, and there was a body found in the basement of the corporate building!

Re: Gross!

  • Ahh!!!  Creepy.
  • Holy crap!  Was it someone who worked there or anything? 
  • That is creepy!

    One of FI's coworkers disappeared a couple of moths ago.  They had video footage from a security camera of this guy entering the building, but none of him leaving.  So the company calls the cops and they bring dogs out to look for this dude.  It was 36 hours later when someone, a landscaper, I think, discovered the body next to the building.  The guy had jumped off the roof of the 12 story building.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • Whoa, I wouldn't think gross I would think scary!  Was it murder?  Suicide?  Heart attack?  Did he work there?
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  • He doesn't know yet.  He is in the other building.  His company has 2 buildings, Corporate, and Corporate South.  He's in South.

    They aren't releasing anymore info for now.

    I want to know how old it is?  Has it been festering there awhile?
  • Thats kinda scary/creepy!!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Gross!</a>:
    [QUOTE]I want to know how old it is?  Has it been festering there awhile?
    Posted by shellydiane820[/QUOTE]

    Now <u>that's</u> gross!!  :D
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Oh my gosh! Could you imagine being the person who found the guy on the side of the building?
  • I hate when that happens!!!!!
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  • I'm weird like that, I like to know the gross details.
  • [QUOTE]Oh my gosh! Could you imagine being the person who found the guy on the side of the building?
    Posted by shellydiane820[/QUOTE]

    The guy who jumped must have been a mess.  :-/   It would be so scary to come across that!  And if the guy in the basement of Corporate has been festering...  Ew ew ew. 

    There was this little creek with a bridge over it that I walked across on my way to class in college, and I somehow got it in my head that under the bridge would be a great place to stash a murder victim.  I often got these horrible mental images of seeing a body down there, and having to call the cops and deal with all of that.  ::shudder:: 
  • Oh jeez! That's crazy -- there's no influential politicians who've renrtly gone missing are there?

    Do give us an update if you hear anythigng!
  • My first questions would be how long had the body been there (I'd guess not long, or they would have been able to smell it!), and if the person was murdered or something.  But I'm weird like that!
  • My first question would have been is it a human body.
  • That's an incredibly logical question, Vallyawesome.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Gross!</a>:
    [QUOTE]That's an incredibly logical question, <strong>Vallyawesome.</strong>
    Posted by JK10910[/QUOTE]

    This is much better than vallyhooha. Gracias mi amiga.
  • De nada, mi amor!
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