My husband and I had this discussion last night. Which relationship do you look down upon more?
a. A girl that dates a man that is unemployed, broke, mean, mentally abusive, cheats but she is strongly physically attracted to him?
b. A girl that dates a wealthy older man who spoils her, but also cheats constantly?
He says that option (a) is a more true attraction, because that girl loves that guy even though he does nothing for her. I say that girl is full of self hatred and thinks she deserves no better and that man brings absolutely nothing positive in her life.
I say option (b) for many reasons. I think when someone does many nice things for you, your attraction grows and it feels good to have someone do nice things or take you nice places and expose you to things in life that you may not have ever known. You develop an attraction based on positive treatment. He says the attraction is built on a material reason and is therefore not real.
I know both scenarios are examples of unhealthy relationships, but I think at least (b) has positive elements for your life. So I look down much more on scenario A. You?