Wedding Etiquette Forum

FB-Related Vents: I know you have 'em, let's hear 'em.


There's this girl on my FB who posts EVERY mundane detail of her life in countless status updates throughout the day, and today she posted, "I am annoyed!! Ppl need to stay outta MY business!! It don't involve no one else but me!!!!"

FFS, really? Because she seems to think that we actually care.

Your turn.

Re: FB-Related Vents: I know you have 'em, let's hear 'em.

  • how about asking your friends to pay your legal fees so that you dont lose your child  when you party party party.  and then can't afford groceries to feed said child.

    i can't handle when people can't spell.  there, they're or their.  this happens a lot. 

    and then the home taken maternity shots.  yeah with a bra and skirt.  self myspace portrait. 

    "It's shart week." -georgiabride
    "This post is seriously retarded." -Stackeye210
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  • Oh, I know. The spelling on FB is absurd sometimes. The girl that I was talking about in the OP ALWAYS puts the wrong there/their/they're, hear/here and ALWAYS write "an" instead of "and" basically if she's wanting to say, "I'm taking my kids to school and going to the store." it'll say, "I'm taking my kids to school an going to the store."

    Shoot me.
  • Daily countdowns to your upcoming wedding.  For more than a month.  With barf-worthy headings like "Only 33 days until I am no longer Miss Jane Smith!"
  • Or, "182 days until I get my _________!!!...181 days until I get my _________!!!...180 days until I get my ________!!!"

  • All of the negative posts people seem to think everyone wants to read. I have an aunt that puts daily health updates that are always negative, weight loss/gain, and general downer stuff. My SIL is just as bad. Every single day her or the kids are "sick", even if there's nothing wrong. And she'll put how horrible my brother is and does everything possible to elicit sympathy from the world. Then she'll go on that people need to stay out of her business. Well stop posting your business and people won't be all in it.

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  • mica178mica178 member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Love Its
    A middle school classmate posts on FB at least 10 times a day about everything from her dog's poop to weird sex stuff to bizarre rants about smoking, drinking and drugs.  I'd think she was manic, but no mania lasts this long.  Also, she recently lost a lot of weight, so I think she's back on the coca.  I can't decide if I should stage an intervention or block her newsfeed.
  • Negative Nancy sucks.

    FB girl from my OP posts anytime anything ever goes wrong. Literally. I know when her car has problems, when her refrigerator went out, when the crowd was too pushy at the city-wide Easter Egg-Hunt, when her kids are sick, when the doctor is closed on Good Friday and her kid is sick, etc.

    I deleted her once and she added me back, so I just have made my peace. I don't hide her because she's someone to make fun of.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: FB-Related Vents: I know you have 'em, let's hear 'em.</a>:
    [QUOTE]A middle school classmate posts on FB at least 10 times a day about everything from her dog's poop to weird sex stuff to bizarre rants about smoking, drinking and drugs.  I'd think she was manic, but no mania lasts this long.  Also, she recently lost a lot of weight, so I think she's back on the coca.  I can't decide if I should stage an intervention or block her newsfeed.
    Posted by mica178[/QUOTE]


    This girl on my Facebook today announced that she is tired of her period.

    REALLY? I didn't want to know about your menstrual cycle.
  • I have a friend who also posts every mundane detail of her life, but refuses to put any verb in the past tense.  Example:  "Just clean the house and work out.  Now its time to chill." ... "Just watch a movie and cuddle with the hubs and dogs, now going to bed!"
    Abigail Rose, EDD 6/8/13 BabyFetus Ticker

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  • My #1 obnoxious FB poster is a friend I had a couple years ago--she's gone way downhill and dumbs herself down beyond belief.  She's 23 with no education, just a semi-wealthy dad and tries to do the whole pretty blonde daddy's girl thing...they pulled strings to get a secretarial job and she walked out the 2nd week in the middle of taking notes in a meeting because she decided she wanted to be a go-go dancer on cruise ships in miami?? (bragging about it on status updates) Yeah..needless to say she's still in MD and semi-strips at a downtown club.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: FB-Related Vents: I know you have 'em, let's hear 'em.</a>:
    [QUOTE]I have a friend who also posts every mundane detail of her life, but refuses to put any verb in the past tense.  Example:  "Just clean the house and work out.  Now its time to chill." ... "Just watch a movie and cuddle with the hubs and dogs, now going to bed!"
    Posted by KentuckyKate[/QUOTE]

    I would lose my mind.

    Does anyone have the FB who DOESN'T KNOW WHAT GOOGLE IS?

    Because there are a few people on my FB that are like, "Um, what's the zip code for _____?"

    Hello, let me introduce you to my BFF, Google. Google, meet the dumbest person on the planet.

    I've linked them to a tinyurl of before.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:8b15178f-6020-45ca-b9c3-e7d6365dd0ddPost:1557cb41-c5f5-4253-a03a-92c54353fd4e">Re: FB-Related Vents: I know you have 'em, let's hear 'em.</a>:
    [QUOTE]My #1 obnoxious FB poster is a friend I had a couple years ago--she's gone way downhill and dumbs herself down beyond belief.  She's 23 with no education, just a semi-wealthy dad and tries to do the whole pretty blonde daddy's girl thing<strong>...they pulled strings to get a secretarial job and she walked out the 2nd week in the middle of taking notes in a meeting because she decided she wanted to be a go-go dancer on cruise ships in miami??</strong> (bragging about it on status updates) Yeah..needless to say she's still in MD and semi-strips at a downtown club.
    Posted by tayylor65[/QUOTE]

    That part actually made me LOL.
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  • mica178mica178 member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Love Its
    Here are some of her winning posts:

    "Security guard at Vons called me a cougar so I stuck my cig in his arm. He goes "Why you always gotta do this shiit? Did I tell you I'm having a party?" Dudes got a cherry stuck in his skin and don't care. I think I'm in love."

    "Nosebleed. My first one. From smoking basement cigars. Ouch & gross. HELLOOOO!!"

    "'I am sooooooooo hung-over from that beer I had 2 hrs ago. Guess I'll take a bottle of the neighbors benzos and take a 20 min nap. Thinking of you."

    "Do you care? What I feel? Thas cool. Jus gunna slam this oxyjuice in my neck, muscle a ball. Kick shiit at sev smokin a line so fiiiiiiinnnnnnnnneeeee"
  • Oh mica- I would have deleted somebody like that loooooong ago.
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  • I would like to introduce you ladies to some of the WORST spelling and grammar I have ever seen on Facebook:

    "yesterda TD tol me i had $16 n my account.I only used $12, dis mornin i kall 4 my balance. da lady on da fone says"well mr. (Name) " (wit such a friendly voice) " u hav negative $220 dollars. i askd if der wus nethin she culd do n she sed no is ther nethin els i cn do to help u today?" n i told her thnks for ur i got rent, car, phone, skol to pay 4 but the Father is lettin me know its gon b ok so im chillin "

    I work with him. He's a 20 year old kid who wants to be a doctor someday. ::headdesk::
  • H's cousin constantly writes passive-aggressive statuses on FB.  "IF U DON'T LIKE ME THEN KEEP UR OPINIONS TO YOURSELF!  SOOOO sick of the drama from stupid people!"  OMG, stfu.

    One of H's friends is always tagging him in stupid pictures that have nothing to do with him, and going "Hee hee, it's Mr. Bay, isn't that cute?"  No.  It's obnoxious.  And annoying.  Knock it off.

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  • I've been trying to avoid facebook bc of finals but clearly now I have to go through and find the bad ones, although I don't think I have any that are quite as bad as some of those! People are crazy.
  • I hate the game requests "So and so is requesting your help to (fill in the blank) in mafia wars"  and the "So and so has unlocked a question about you!".  I also hate song lyrics as FB updates.  And obscure hooks for sympathy and interest- as in "I hate how hot a gun is after it goes off" or "I never knew how much I could hate my life".  

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • A girl I went to high school posts the same thing every day: "Gym. Tan. Laundry. LOL" Ugh.  I guess she thinks she's on the Jersey Shore.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:8b15178f-6020-45ca-b9c3-e7d6365dd0ddPost:9f7789bf-efc2-49b2-bf31-c5a55b439414">Re: FB-Related Vents: I know you have 'em, let's hear 'em.</a>:
    [QUOTE]I would like to introduce you ladies to some of the WORST spelling and grammar I have ever seen on Facebook: " yesterda TD tol me i had $16 n my account.I only used $12, dis mornin i kall 4 my balance. da lady on da fone says"well mr. (Name) " (wit such a friendly voice) " u hav negative $220 dollars. i askd if der wus nethin she culd do n she sed no is ther nethin els i cn do to help u today?" n i told her thnks for ur i got rent, car, phone, skol to pay 4 but the Father is lettin me know its gon b ok so im chillin " I work with him. He's a 20 year old kid who wants to be a doctor someday. ::headdesk::
    Posted by deeegoalie[/QUOTE]

    I think doctor is a bit of a stretch for this individual. I took me a whole 2 minutes to try to figure this out. And did he think the bank teller would just give him extra money to cover his uncontrollable spending?
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: FB-Related Vents: I know you have 'em, let's hear 'em.</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: FB-Related Vents: I know you have 'em, let's hear 'em. : That part actually made me LOL.
    Posted by nurse.misty[/QUOTE]

    <div>lol right?  i've almost deleted her a few times but she's so far out in left field it's sometimes entertaining. </div><div>
  • mica178mica178 member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Love Its
    Misty, I would, and I know other classmates who already did.  But during the rare times I actually respond to her posts, she actually calms down a bit, so I'd feel guilty leaving her with all her predatory guy friends. 
  • Wow, all of thse tales are insane.

    Oh, stupidity.
  • Well that's good of you mica. I did a mass overhaul of my FB last month. I found out FI's ex wife had a mutual friend, we are from the same city, and was going on the friend's page to see what I was putting then calling FI and yelling at him for treating me better than her. It didn't really bother me, but he was getting annoyed with her complaining about everything we do together. I didn't know who it was so I just deleted everyone that wasn't family or a close friend that I knew I could trust. I got rid of around 150 people. She stopped calling, so I'm assuming I got rid of the problem person.
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  • mica178mica178 member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Love Its
    I did a recent purge too.  A know a divorcing couple, so to protect the privacy of one, I had to get rid of friends who mostly knew the cheater.
  • I don't understand having people on your Facebook you can't stand?
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: FB-Related Vents: I know you have 'em, let's hear 'em.</a>:
    [QUOTE]I don't understand having people on your Facebook you can't stand?
    Posted by Ghoti[/QUOTE]

    I don't understand posting statements that end in question marks.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:8b15178f-6020-45ca-b9c3-e7d6365dd0ddPost:02c70e39-2ee6-49e6-b7f2-eb4e5cd44943">Re: FB-Related Vents: I know you have 'em, let's hear 'em.</a>:
    [QUOTE]I don't understand having people on your Facebook you can't stand?
    Posted by Ghoti[/QUOTE]

    In my case it's because they are family. My aunt comments on my posts all the time, so she'd definitely notice if I deleted her and talk to my mom about it and mom would stick up for me, but I wouldn't put her in that situation over something as silly as the internet. And if my brother ever puts his money where his mouth is and actually divorces his wife, it'll be the only way I'll see my nieces.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: FB-Related Vents: I know you have 'em, let's hear 'em.</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: FB-Related Vents: I know you have 'em, let's hear 'em. : For me, I purged everyone I can't stand, except with family members who re-friended me and made a big stink about it. I didn't think it was worth the fight, so I block their status feeds, but end up seeing this particular cousin's updates because right now she keeps sending out FB messages to everyone in the family asking for donations to help her get a new apartment. *headdesk*
    Posted by LivLeighton[/QUOTE]
    LOL. You tried :D
  • I get family, I just see a lot of "some chick does this" or whatever :D 

    FYI, I am so that person with the Facebook games. I try to only send to people who play though!
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