Wedding Etiquette Forum

Santa Claus Parade "goodies"

So, our Santa Claus parade was on Friday night. Obviously all the people who put in floats hand out candies, etc. Except this strange church that is literally in someone's basement. They handed out comic strips of why you, and everyone else is going to Hell. To literally EVERYONE. Mark watched the parade from his truck because it was too cold for him - they knocked on the window and handed it out, then gave one to his 10 year old nephew. Mark then had to explain (or attempt to) what hell was.

I think sometimes people take religion way too far.

On another note - the comic strip is comical. It shows how we're all alike (we have the need for food, shelter, water, etc)...and how we call come from the same parents - there's a picture of a gorilla and of Adam & Eve - there's a huge X through the gorilla and it says beneath it "NOT THESE". Then the last page shows people falling off earth in to firey hell...with litle conversation bubbles saying things like, "We've shacked up for years", "But I'm a Buddhist", and then there's "I pray to Allah".

I thought it was funny and/or inappropriate.

Re: Santa Claus Parade "goodies"

  • bwahahahah... I agree.  Funny but completely not appropriate at a Christmas parade.

    We had people stand outside of our student center where I went to college that would hold signs and point to everyone and tell them that they were going to hell... children, old people, everyone.  I admit, it was kind of funny and entertaining, but when you see small children crying your feelings change!
  • I think it needs to be scanned.

  • yea, those people are nuts. what kind of church is it?

    and I kinda want to see it.
  • It's called "Church of the Rock Bible Church" yes, "Church" is in there twice.
  • Whack jobs like that give some Christians a really bad name.
  • Whatever. You all are going to hell for commenting on this. I'll aim spitballs at you from my cloud Innocent
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Santa Claus Parade "goodies"</a>:
    [QUOTE]Whatever. You all are going to hell for commenting on this. I'll aim spitballs at you from my cloud
    Posted by ac_in_dc[/QUOTE]
    Haha, I'm actually going to hell first and foremost because I think there's other alternatives than organized religion, AND, I've shacked up with Mark for years.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Santa Claus Parade "goodies"</a>:
    [QUOTE]Whack jobs like that give some Christians a really bad name.
    Posted by sarabellam[/QUOTE]

    I couldn't agree more.
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