we still have a bit before we have to send invitations...but I like to do things early and this one is a tough one.
We have a friend...we will call him John....We have known John for as long as we have been together and then some (about 8 years) about 6 years ago he started dating Jane. John and Jane were always together and we became friends with Jane. John and Jane got married a couple years ago. Right around when we were sending out STDs we found out John and Jane separated. We sent them each a STD individually.
FI and I had said we would invite both John & Jane w/o +1 and just sit them at different tables. Well Jane is now seeing someone else...and proclaiming her love to him all over her FB.
How the hell do we handle invites? We were initially friends with John....and are more friendly with John than Jane....I know you need to invite someone if you sent a STD....but in this case if Jane is still with her new beau when we mail invites is it ok to just invite her and not her new beau?