Wedding Etiquette Forum

Tip for E-Pics?

Is this a common thing, or just tip at the wedding?

Re: Tip for E-Pics?

  • I've never heard of tipping a photographer for E pics.

    I guess I think of it as part of the package of services they're providing that culminates at the wedding.  Then you tip (unless the photographer is self-employed). 
  • Our E-Pics were included in the wedding package so we plan on just waiting to "pay" them at our wedding (because our photographers are friends we are paying them not only in money but with gifts) IDK if I've ever heard of tipping for e-pics... I could definitely be wrong, for sure
  • I tipped our photographers. They are a young couple just starting out (friends of a friend), and gave us a phenomenal rate to do our shoot, considering they traveled an hour to get to us. When they gave us a price, it was before the gas prices jumped. I gave them a little extra to compensate for the rising prices and as a tip because I thought they did great. They were also flexible with us and spent the entire afternoon/early evening in town because of the threat of rain. 
    April Siggy Challenge-Wedding Escape: Reading HG/dreaming about Peeta.... Image and video hosting by TinyPic Wedding Countdown Ticker Bio-Updated 4/22**
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