Wedding Etiquette Forum

I dodged a bullet! (LONG)

You can say "I told you so." I got kicked out of the wedding party. A lot of you have been following this. CN: I confronted a bridezilla about outrageous expectations about shelling out money and time for her wedding without regard to any one. There is much more too it as I have been walking on eggshells for month ever since she asked my opinion on chinese finger traps as favors and I gave her a nice but honest answer. Then she gets mad every time I get asked to be on a blog or a website about weddings either for my wedding or a job. Didn't I know this year was about her wedding now?

Anyway, last night I received a nice little gem of an email. Here are some highlights:

"As you know, this is the most stressful yet the most happy time of my life, and I just don't think I can handle any added stress or drama from the people who are supposed to be running my wedding and making me feel like the princess I should be feeling like through this process."

"I'm sorry that you feel as though I haven't been organized enough, but I have a wedding to plan here and you had yours already.  I have much more important things to worry about than how you are going to buy a stupid dress."

"Perhaps if you would get over your own wedding and start actually helping me with important things in mine like planning my shower I wouldn't feel you were so selfish. I am sorry I have to do this, but you are a bad friend and you have been transitioned to the guest list."

So yeaaaah. Like I said, dodged a bullet much?

Re: I dodged a bullet! (LONG)

  • WOW.  I'd tell her I'm transitioning to RSVP NO list and not sending a gift either.  YIKES.  Sounds like you dodged a shot gun of a bullet there. 
  • um. I would not go to that wedding. period. what's your relationship with her? did you respond? that's one of the bitchiest things I've EVER heard.

    this is my favorite part-
    I just don't think I can handle any added stress or drama from the people who are supposed to be running my wedding and making me feel like the princess I should be feeling like through this process
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • SurprisedSurprisedSurprised

    Wow.  Bullet dodged.  Seriously, when I started reading the first few lines of the email, my mouth dropped open.

    Meaghan, you're such a bad friend for ruining her pretty princess day!1!!11 It's all your fault!!
  • Oh wow.  She's a real gem.

    I like this line: Perhaps if you would get over your own wedding and start actually helping me with important things in mine like planning my shower I wouldn't feel you were so selfish.

    She's a walking oxymoron!  With emphasis on the moron part.
    We'll just not tell H about this little fact, m'kay?
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">I dodged a bullet! (LONG)</a>:
    [QUOTE]I just don't think I can handle any added stress or drama from the people who are supposed to be running my wedding and making me feel like the princess I should be feeling like through this process.
    Posted by MeaghanandMichael[/QUOTE]
    This is my ultimate favourite part. Oh my god!

    Your friend is cracked.
  • Goodness Meaghan - get over yourself, it's all about her.  She gets a whole year to be a princess apparently.  The one day rule doesn't exist for her. 

    Please refer her to the Knot.  Thanks. 
  • Holy crud.  If she posted that here I'd call MUD.

    What a hosebeast.
    two years!
    after two losses, now happily expecting baby #1 09.16.12
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  • This girl was my college roommate. The funny thing is this has been coming for a long long time. I don't identify with a lot of her mindset, behavior, or maturity level anymore. It is amazing how people grow at verrrry different rates after leaving college.

    But yeah, I thought you would appreciate this email,if nothing less than knowing it does not take a troll to spout the most horrific cliches known to weddingdom.

    The worst part is Mike is the groom's college roommate. The groom refuses to answer Mike's calls. Mike is declining the wedding party and the wedding as well.

  • Yeah, your friend needs to start posting here. She will get MUCH more support from us than from a selfish beotch like you!

  • Holy Crap, Meaghan. This person is REAL?

    Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.

    The Margarita Evolution

    Oh my GOD MEAGHAN!  This girl has gone insane! Are you even going to go to the wedding now?!

    I tell you what, send her the replies from this thread so she can see what an awful brat she's being.  IT'S A WEDDING, NOT THE WORLD REVOLVING AROUND HER.  Christ.  She realizes that people get married all the time, right? 

    Dear selfish, entitled brat-

    Many people have weddings, and somehow manage to not turn into rampageing, foot stomping, princess-seeking, jealous, over-bearing biitches.  You give the name Bride a bad reputation with your self serving attitude.  Get over it.  Once you realize your day is over, you'll feel like an ass for being so obtuse.  Hopefully.  If not, please kindly drop yourself off on the dark side of the moon.  Thank you,

    Rational Brides Everywhere.
  • Holy crap shiit balls.  That's effed.  Seriously.  I hate that she sent that to you. 

    Do you at least get your $300 back for that stupid dress?  I like that she refers to the uber expensive dresses she was forcing you guys to buy as stupid.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:90a853d6-35e6-42b5-a6ae-e484956c1c86Post:4046528e-3824-4ff9-a9d4-5e1c0596ad86">Re: I dodged a bullet! (LONG)</a>:
    [QUOTE]Holy crud.  If she posted that here I'd call MUD. What a hosebeast.
    Posted by Brie2010[/QUOTE]

    I don't know what a hosebeast is, but it sounds completely pertinent to this situation. And it made me die laughing.
  • Jaw = dropped.
    Baby Birthday Ticker
    Baby #2: Surprise BFP 9.19.12, EDD 5.24.13, natural m/c 10.19.13 at 9w
  • Oh my god.  Seriously.  You did dodge a bullet and I hope you seriously consider ending your friendship with this chick.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • That has got to be one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read!  You're lucky you got out now!
    ttc chart
    BFP 8/01/12, EDD 04/10/12, mm/c @ 6wks, discovered at 8wks, D&C 9/05/12
  • Did you tell her that she's no longer invited to the beer pong/tippy cup party?

    How and for how long have you known this person?
    Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.

    The Margarita Evolution
  • Hosebeast is a great word for situations like this.  It was a favorite of mine in college.

    I think it refers to the sucking that a vacuum hose does, because she clearly sucks. 

    two years!
    after two losses, now happily expecting baby #1 09.16.12
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    Brie Fit Blog | BFP Chart
  • Amoro - if I wasn't so set on taking the high and mighty path of quietly dropping out while saying, "best wishes!" I would send that to her in a heartbeat. She is seriously the type of person who would not get it. Although, I may send her this thread. I can't decide, mostly because Mike is devastated his friend (the groom) never stuck up for us and let it get this far. So it does have a very sad side to it too.

    And no, there is no way in HELLZ I am going to that wedding.
  • Did you reply with anything defending yourself or just let it go? I cant believe someone would have the gall to do that!
  • I would want to be awful and immature and rsvp yes and then not show up.

    In reality, I wouldn't have done that, but if you paid $300 for a dress (I missed the previous stuff), then maybe I'd feel justified.

    She's insane.
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  • Dani -done and done. I don't even want the money back for the dress I just want out.

    She was my college roommate. She is going no where with her life. She went to Europe for a year to travel, she was a nanny for a year, she went to grad school for two year and she dropped out because she didn't feel like finishing. Who has been footing the bill the whole time? Mommy and Daddy.

    Who bought her her engagement ring? Herself, on her own credit card mommy and daddy pay. She had her fiances name added to it so he could pick something out.
  • One word.  BEEBEE!

    Just curious, was she in your WP?
  • Wow, people like this actually exist?  I would drop her as a friend pronto. 
  • Oh, and I love "transitioning" - I bet she asked Wedding Wire or what's a polite way to kick someone out.
    BFP(1) DD1 born 4.17.10 @ 33w5d due to pPROM
    BFP(4) DD2 born 2.14.13 @ 35w5d due to pPROM

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  • Waynes World reference.. Awesome!

    Atleast you got out before her head exploded.
    image Married and Junk.
  • There are just no words. You win the friend award for putting up with her as long as you have.
  • Nebb -  I just said that I am sorry she is ending the friendship and that I am even sorrier for the position this puts Mike in. The only other thing I said was well wishing her wedding.

    The thing is, I know she won't be able to leave it alone. She is going to need to feel justified, not blown off casually. She is going to be mad I am not devastated. There will be more drama, stay tuned.

    I think the only thing I am going to say back to her are these threads from here and that I should have broken up with her as a friend the moment she started bawling her eyes out for the last two hours of my wedding because she wasn't engaged yet.
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