Hi ladies,
Just wanted to get some opinions on my invitation wording. I hope this post doesn't sound snarky - just trying to explain the full situation. My parents are paying for the majority of our wedding, and my future in-laws are contributing about 1/5 of the amount my parents are. My fiance and I are also contributing, albeit more than the future in-laws. If it weren't for my parent's generous contribution, we wouldn't be able to get married at my dream location. That being said, I am planning to word the invitations in a traditional manner, listing my parents as the hosts. Just wanted to get some opinions on if this is reasonable not to list my future in-laws? I love the future in-laws, and its important for me to honor my parents for making my dream wedding possible. Also, do I need to talk to the future in-laws about it? They have not been involved in the planning thusfar.
Thanks for your help!