Wedding Etiquette Forum

Parents on Invite?

I'm unsure of the ettiquette or what to do in this situation.  My fiance and I are trying to figure out the wording on our wedding invitation.  We were initially going to just have "your presence is requested in the marriage of...." but now that I'm looking into it... I see that the parents should be on there if they are hosting it.  I'm not sure how to word it.  My Step-Dad is helping us out for a large portion of our wedding (my mother is deceased), my fiance's parents are contributing a small amount as well.  My father is not helping at all (financially or in general support).  Do I just put the two names that are contributing?  All three?  Or is it ok to keep it how we originally thought and have just our names? 

Re: Parents on Invite?

  • You could also do, "Together with their families, Ipietila and Fiance request the honor of your presence (pleasure of your company) as they join their lives in marriage, yadda yadda yadda."
  • Together with their families solves a lot of problems.

    My mom is deceased, father remarried, FI's parents divorced. FFIL remarried and FMIL isn't getting married but has been with her SO for years now. Everyone is contributing to the cost in some way so the "together..." line pervents any one from getting their panties in a wad.
  • Thanks everyone for the advice.  I think the "together with their families" will solve a lot of issues and keep everyone feeling equal whether they are or aren't.
  • We're paying for a lot of stuff (nvitations, stds, DJ, etc) ourselves, but my future in-laws are helping with the reception and rehearsal dinner, another family member is taking care of the church, my mom is in charge of the cake, etc. 

    I went with: 
    Bride's Parents 
    Groom's Parents 
    request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their children


    blah blah blah....

    Just an idea :) 
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