So my roommate and her bf (once her fiancee) broke up on Sunday. It was BAD. So to cheer her up, I offer to take her to my family's Christmas party - where my bf surprised me by proposing! I accepted and am so excited, but it's sooo hard trying to walk this fine line of being excited and starting planning, but I can tell she's still heartbroken! She doesn't want to talk about anything wedding-related, which is hard considering I'm spending so much time with her trying to get over her break up, Any advice?
She even told me to hold back on things and "imagine losing all of this" because when her bf proposed, he got drunk three months later and took her ring back. I was going to ask her to be a bridesmaid but I am not liking walking on eggshells right now.
"So what? So it's not going to be easy. It's gonna be hard.
Really hard. But I wanna do that because I want you
- all of you, you and me, every day. Forever."