So, I'm in the process of signing my contract for my venue. We're having a 45 (max) person destination wedding in New York City, with the reception in a private space at a nice restaurant.
In the wedding package, we pay a fee per person, for food and drink, + 20% admin charge (not gratuity), +tax.
Total food/drink/location/admin package will come to approx $16,000.
I know it's customary to tip 18-20% in NYC when going out to dinner, however, would it be the same in the case of a wedding? (This results in $3000 extra, which I think is excessive, given the size of our event, and the fact that we're already paying a 20% admin charge).
I was hoping I could find out how many servers/bartenders will be working our event, then tip "per person" +a bit extra? Is this appropriate? Inappropriate?
What would be an appropriate tip in your opinion?