Thanks everyone for your opinions, I have decided to leave this up to my FH Thanks again, I should of thought it through b4 posting
I am new to the message board, I come on once in a while, but this may be something new or old, I am not sure. This is the situation at hand, My FH asked his Brother to be the best man, normal right, well his wife is having issues, (second marriage for him). She first explained in utter detail she will not be attending since 1 were having it on a friday and her kids are in school, 2 since we are having an "adult only" reception that is just not right kids should be there, and 3rdly, since they live 2 1/2 hours away, the BM (her husband) will not be able to attend the rehersal. He agreed with all of the above OK.... so we didn't say anything yet, due to the fact OUR wedding is in 2012 HELLO, the new problem is this We decided to choose someone else to be the BM if necessary, however, and he would just be a GM. .. then another episode happend with him and his wife, the invited my FMI to live with them from another state, then kicked her out because she isn't the maid, she smokes.. and on and on, no prob, now she lives with us... the huge question is IS IT RUDE OR WRONG to NOT invite them to the wedding at all.. Even though he is my FH brother.... I am VERY angry with them, and they are inconsiederate of others, I just hope this is the right thing to do, I am scared we will regreat the decision later if we don't invite them
Posted by sap82478