Wedding Etiquette Forum

Do Friends with Benefits get an Invite??

So my FIs old roommate and our mutual friend has a 'good friend'. I know her well, she was in my sorority. If they were dating I know I would have to invite her. BUT...they only see each other once in a while and consider each other friends with benefits.  He brings her to every wedding as a date and she's a mess. She wears dresses that are way too small and all parts of her fall out after a few drinks. Do I have to invite her? We're ordering invites this month and they will be calligraphied at the same time, that's why I am asking this early. 
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Re: Do Friends with Benefits get an Invite??

  • im not sure id include friends w benefits as a relationship. that just makes me think that if you slept with someone a few times theyre your so. but i shall wait to hear what the wise elders of e say.
  • Sorry!!! Double post!!! ahhh
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  • I wouldn't.  If you know they aren't in a relationship, and it's just someone to screw around with, I don't see why she should get an invite.  It's not like she is marrying him or they are even a couple.  
  • Oh heck no! I definitely wouldn't invite her.... just because he invites her doesn't mean much. He can meet a decent woman at your wedding lol

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  • Unless she is a close friend of yours, you should not feel obligated to invite her. However, if you are going to expect guests to bring dates, she maybe his roommate's date regardless. Don't worry about her, though - All eyes will be on you, and whatever mess she pulls will only make you look better, because class is always better than a slinky mess! You can talk to his roommate about not taking her, but really, unless you think she's going to wear a slutty white dress, get plastered and yell at family members (a good friend of mine's mother did that at her wedding!), it may not really be worth it. Some guests may be obnoxious, but most guests are focused on the happy couple :) Congratulations!
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  • I don't think you need to invite her. Are you inviting your FI's old roommate with a +1? Because he may end up bringing her anyway. But as far as an invite just for her, I say no.

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  • You don't have to.  If he considered her his girlfriend, it would be different.  But he specifically considers her a friend.  

    However, if you are inviting everyone else with a +1, you can't just single him out because you don't like his potential date.  
  • Were you going to give him a +1 anyway? If so, you don't really get to choose who he brings.
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  • Unless our guests are in a relationship we are not inviting +1s. We just don't have the space. So I will not include her. Thanks!
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