Wedding Etiquette Forum

Too late for STD's?

I am getting married on June 30, so just over over 5 months away. Is it too late to send save the dates out as we will be sending the actual invitaion in a few months anyways? I can't decide if it is still worth it to send save the dates or at this point it would be better to just send invitations. Help?!

Re: Too late for STD's?

  • edited January 2012
    We did ours about 5 months in advance.  We would have done a little earlier if we could, but our engagement wasn't that long, so we didn't have all the details set at 6 months.  I would get them out soon, though, if you want to do them--no need to do anything elaborate that will take a while to make (we put together a card to email or print and send to people without email).  

    ETA: Our wedding was out-of-town for everyone, so we felt like we needed to get it on our guests' calendars ASAP.
  • If the majority of your guests are from out of town then I'd say go ahead and do them, but if not then sve your money. Even if you don't do the STDs and send the invites say in March or April your guests will still have time to make arrangements and thing. I wouldn't worry too much about it.   Ps my sister hs the same date as you!
  • If you're going to skip the save the dates to save money might just want to get a justice of the peace and do it with the homeless guy out front as the witness thats how I would do it I would just get jimmy the hobo to say a gogo with his sig and be done with the wedding signitures in hand no problems happily ever after.... no one cares about any save the dates any way bunch of selfish jerks!
  • No point unless the wedding is in Bora Bora or the like.

    STDs are so recent that when I came on here for help with my daughter's wedding a few years back, I couldn't figure out why all these nice young brides had these nasty diseases.

  • Haha ootmother... I thought the same thing when I first started lurking and saw all these people talking about STDs! Tongue Out

    Katheryn, you're not required to do Save the Dates at all, really, but it's a courtesy to let your out-of-town folks know in advance so they can make travel arrangements. The longer you wait, the worse the plane ticket prices get. Plus, they may have to ask off work, etc. Even if you don't mail Save the Dates (I can't bring myself to type STDs...), it would be nice of you to at least give your faraway friends a heads-up, even if it's just an email or a phone call. I know as a wedding guest, I always appreciate that!
  • I'm getting married a week before you and I sent mine out late, two weeks ago.  They didn't cost much and I justified it by putting my wedding website on it so people can plan and get info on where to stay.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Too late for STD's?</a>:
    [QUOTE]If you're going to skip the save the dates to save money might just want to get a justice of the peace and do it with the homeless guy out front as the witness thats how I would do it I would just get jimmy the hobo to say a gogo with his sig and be done with the wedding signitures in hand no problems happily ever after.... no one cares about any save the dates any way bunch of selfish jerks!
    Posted by Ronbenningtoncupcakecake[/QUOTE]


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